w3c / bp-i18n-specdev

Internationalization Best Practices for Spec Developers
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Fix stylesheet linking #108

Closed aphillips closed 7 months ago

aphillips commented 1 year ago

Currently the local.css stylesheet is linked using <link rel=stylesheet...

Previously we used <style data-import=..., but this didn't allow the local stylesheet to be tested without committing the changes.

@r12a claims there is a different feature used by LReqs that can fix this. This issue is a placeholder to find and replicate that here.

r12a commented 12 months ago

The way this is done in the lreq pages is as follows:

[1] Add this to the js configuration.

postProcess: [
        async function importStyleSheet() { 
            const elems = document.querySelectorAll(`link[rel='stylesheet'][data-import]`)
            await Promise.all(
                [...elems].map(async link => {
                    const text = await fetch(link.href).then(r => r.text())
                    const style = document.createElement("style")
                    style.textContent = text

[2] add the following to the head element:

<link rel="stylesheet" data-import href="https://w3c.github.io/i18n-drafts/style/respec_2022.css">

I tried it with a Netlify link that @xfq provided, but it didn't include the styles in respec_2022.css, as far as i can tell. (see https://github.com/w3c/tlreq/pull/10)

r12a commented 12 months ago

But it doesn't seem to have caught the styling from local.css either. Investigating further....

r12a commented 12 months ago

For some reason, Netlify or respec seems to just comment out the line that points to respec_2022.css. At least, that means it's possible to uncomment it using the inspector – then the styles are applied as expected.

r12a commented 12 months ago

And the styles are tweakable in the inspector after uncommenting that line, of course.

xfq commented 11 months ago

I don't have a good solution for this at the moment, but I think I found the cause of the issue:

For some reason, Netlify or respec seems to just comment out the line that points to respec_2022.css.

After looking at https://github.com/w3c/tlreq/blob/fe34099c58c0927dbe1688e648f8de809cf209e0/index.html#L49-L50

I saw that the first line was already commented out in the source code. The second line won't work in the preview, because it points to a relative link outside the repo. You can't really do a .. in:


because it's already in the top level.

aphillips commented 8 months ago
