w3c / bp-i18n-specdev

Internationalization Best Practices for Spec Developers
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The `translate` attribute #35

Closed Malvoz closed 5 years ago

Malvoz commented 5 years ago

Has the translate attribute been overlooked or is there a reason it is not mentioned in the spec?

User agents, browser extensions and other tools offering translation services may render parts of a document confusing to users where otherwise e.g. the translate="no" attribute-value pair would help, for example it could be considered incorrect to translate a street name or the name of an organization in some cases.

r12a commented 5 years ago

I think it's an omission that we don't advise spec developers to provide a feature for inhibiting or promoting translation (or other things described in the ITS spec). (Noting, of course, that the doc you link to gives advice to spec developers. It is mentioned in the equivalent for content authors.)

Malvoz commented 5 years ago

Oh yes that makes sense, brain fart. Thanks. :)