w3c / breakouts-day-2024

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Schemata Discussion - Follow up from TPAC23 #15

Open egekorkan opened 7 months ago

egekorkan commented 7 months ago

Session description

As a follow-up of Schemata Breakout of TPAC23, we want to further discuss ways to manage ontologies, schemas, and similar documents together. In the scope of the Thing Description Task Force at the Web of Things WG, we have analyzed some approaches such as LinkML, TreeLDR, Eclipse Semantic Modelling Framework, that we want to present. We have also identified that the topic of versioning, packaging, and serving these resources is a pressing topic that is not specific to the WoT. After these, we want to discuss on how to better continue the discussions in this topic area within the W3C.


Session goal

Discussion and Collection of Opinion

Session type

Breakout (Default)

Additional session chairs (Optional)

No response

IRC channel (Optional)


Other sessions where we should avoid scheduling conflicts (Optional)


Instructions for meeting planners (Optional)

No response

Agenda (link or inline) (Optional)

Link to calendar (Optional)

Calendar entry

Meeting materials (Optional)

tpac-breakout-bot commented 7 months ago

Thank you for proposing a session!

You may update the session description as needed and at any time before the meeting, but please keep in mind that tooling relies on issue formatting: follow the instructions and leave all headings and other formatting intact in particular. Bots and W3C meeting organizers may also update the description, to fix formatting issues or add links and other relevant information. Please do not revert these changes. Feel free to use comments to raise questions.

Do not expect formal approval; W3C meeting organizers endeavor to schedule all proposed sessions that are in scope for a breakout. Actual scheduling should take place shortly before the meeting.

VladimirAlexiev commented 7 months ago

@egekorkan @mahdanoura @pchampin I assume you'll be chairs? Can you start putting together an agenda? Here are some ideas (some are copied from https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/issues/8):

egekorkan commented 7 months ago

@VladimirAlexiev thanks for the interest!

ianbjacobs commented 7 months ago


The calendar (feed) is updated automatically when a session description is changed. (The w3.org page with all the session descriptions is updated each hour.)

VladimirAlexiev commented 7 months ago

Well @egekorkan , your agenda is overly WoT specific. I love WoT but if it's only "Results of the analysis at the WoT WG", I'm not sure I care to attend.

As schemata go, WoT TD's single-sourced schema needs are fairly modest. Ask a life science guy like @cmungall.

egekorkan commented 7 months ago

Actually the analysis we did is not WoT specific. We looked at similar tools and documented them in a readme. If we had found your comment in yaml-ld github beforehand, it would have helped our work a lot (you really have a goldmine there!). The issues we have are also not WoT specific and that's why we want to engage the wider community.

Also, LinkML where @cmungall is heavily involved is a very promising candidate to fix almost all our problems. Still, versioning, packaging and serving these resources are other problems to tackle that is probably out-of-scope of LinkML.