w3c / breakouts-day-2024

Remote event for the W3C community to share new ideas
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Real Estate Community Group and the Web #6

Open JAlanBird-DO opened 5 months ago

JAlanBird-DO commented 5 months ago

Session description

The mission of the Real Estate Community Group is to provide a forum for real estate-related technical discussions to track progress of technology features on the Web within W3C groups, educate on the use of Web technologies by external organizations, and to identify use cases and requirements that existing and/or new specifications need to meet to deliver a more inclusive, robust experiences to the Real Estate ecosystem. This session will discuss the group, answer questions and briefly demonstrate the DO AudioTours technology built by Direct Offer.

Additional session chair: Amy Chorew.

Session goal

Get support for the group

Session type

Breakout (Default)

Additional session chairs (Optional)

No response

IRC channel (Optional)


Other sessions where we should avoid scheduling conflicts (Optional)

No response

Instructions for meeting planners (Optional)

No response

Agenda (link or inline) (Optional)

Link to calendar (Optional)

Calendar entry

Meeting materials (Optional)

tpac-breakout-bot commented 5 months ago

Thank you for proposing a session!

You may update the session description as needed and at any time before the meeting, but please keep in mind that tooling relies on issue formatting: follow the instructions and leave all headings and other formatting intact in particular. Bots and W3C meeting organizers may also update the description, to fix formatting issues or add links and other relevant information. Please do not revert these changes. Feel free to use comments to raise questions.

Do not expect formal approval; W3C meeting organizers endeavor to schedule all proposed sessions that are in scope for a breakout. Actual scheduling should take place shortly before the meeting.

tidoust commented 3 months ago

@JAlanBird-DO, I moved the mention of "Amy Chorew" to the body of the session description because I could not find a W3C account with that name, and our code needs that to choose the right person when it creates the calendar entry.

JAlanBird-DO commented 3 months ago
  • Minutes: TBD

Presentation link - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/174Ae7o-XWDbe4VqtfLYIptalsIBubRpo/edit#slide=id.p1