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[TimeMediaCharter] low level A/V from WebRTC and Audio WG? #111

Open wayneca opened 9 years ago

wayneca commented 9 years ago

Low Level Audio and Video support The Timed Media Working Group will work on low-level media APIs to support the work of the Audio and Web Real-Time Communications Working Groups.

WebRTC already uses the Media Capture TF to create specs and that already is in the Timed Media WG charter. What is this additional work related to WebRTC WG?

I'm wondering how to explain this item to an approval process that is looking at what types of patents could be involved. This seems more like "whatever audio / video specs WebRTC or the Audio WG could want" which seems broad. Is it within those other WGs charters now? Something outside their charters.

For the other deliverables there's a draft of something that makes clear the general nature of the specs, but not for this one.

cwilso commented 9 years ago

This is based on my guidance that we are ignoring specifying the bedrock APIs for media - for example, what a stream of audio actually looks like, and how a web app could get direct access to it.

wayneca commented 9 years ago

I think we just need to reword it. That isn't really Audio WG and WebRTC specific and mentioning them sets off bells about it if a company isn't in one of those. I think it would be better to say something like: "The Timed Media Working Group will work on low-level media APIs for direct access to media streams. This supports the Extensible Web Manifesto view of APIs, providing low level APis that can be built on to provide higher level APIs in libraries, including future libraries that use WebAssembly." That makes it clear that what it's about is getting at actual frames, for instance. (the WebAssembly reference makes things possible that likely weren't before).