w3c / charter-webperf

Web Performance Group charter
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Deliverables and their interrelationships are a bit of a mess. #21

Closed plehegar closed 9 years ago

plehegar commented 9 years ago

[[ The deliverables and their interrelationships are a bit of a mess. See the thread I started at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-perf/2015Jun/0057.html. I would like the working group to explicitly pursue addressing those issues. ]] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.platform/dH_g8sq4740/1ZjIg70hVIgJ

plehegar commented 9 years ago

Proposed wording in pull request

toddreifsteck commented 9 years ago

Given that we've updated commitment in charter, closing this issue for now.