w3c / charter-webperf

Web Performance Group charter
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Workers support and mapping timelines #22

Closed plehegar closed 9 years ago

plehegar commented 9 years ago

[[ I think there should be something explicit in the deliverables about extending the various APIs involved to workers and about making it possible to map timestamps between timelines in different globals. This is already being worked on actively, so should not be controversial, but should be a bit more specific than just "incremental revisions to a bunch of specs". ]] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.platform/dH_g8sq4740/1ZjIg70hVIgJ

igrigorik commented 9 years ago

We did add "In addition, the Working Group will review the specifications listed above to take into account background scripts and persistent background processing, provided by Web Worker and Service Worker." Should we make that stronger?

plehegar commented 9 years ago

Proposed wording in pull request

toddreifsteck commented 9 years ago

Given the update to language, closing this issue for now.

plehegar commented 9 years ago

The change should have been: [[ extend its deliverables to take into account background scripts and persistent background processing, provided by Web Worker and Service Worker, and provide the ability to map timelines in different globals. ]]