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Requirements for Chinese Text Layout
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建議增加雙行夾注 #109

Open heangfat opened 8 years ago

heangfat commented 8 years ago

雙行夾注常見于中文典籍,是注釋之標準格式,幾乎所有古書皆有雙行夾注。雙行夾注適合中文書,正文與注釋字體劃然不紊,一目瞭然。 正文通常用正方字,筆畫較粗;而雙行夾注文字較瘦長。明、清書主流樣式是注文與正文等高。民國以後使用漸少。今新印之書中,僅古籍沿用之。 此在 w3c 日文排版草案中稱「割注」。

xfq commented 5 years ago

Link to JLReq: https://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/#inline_cutting_note

Related discussions:

ryukeikun commented 4 years ago

由于是行内的处理,这部分应放到第三章,因此建议新建「3.4 行内夹注」、然后目前 3.4 其后标题顺延。

ryukeikun commented 4 years ago


3.4 行内夹注

3.4.1 行内夹注的使用



3.4.2 行内夹注的字号与行距

行内夹注的字号必须小于正文字号。常见做法有:正文为五号字,夹注用六号字;正文小四号(12 pt),夹注用小五号(9pt);正文用小五(9pt)夹注用七号(6pt)。单行夹注时,正文五号字夹注常用小五号(9pt)。






3.4.3 夹注需要跨越正文换行位置时的处理



heangfat commented 4 years ago

等不得 W3C。我已用現有之 JS+CSS 實現了雙行夾注,見哂蟹齋之典籍,如《楚辭》《千字文》《大唐西域記》《論衡》等。標點采傳統之行間式,不佔格。排版作网格狀,即縱、橫俱對齊,夾注字佔格與正文等高。

heangfat commented 4 years ago

離騷 論衡 千字文

Bobo-alcazar commented 1 year ago


xfq commented 1 year ago

关于 https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/109#issuecomment-655545050 有几点需要讨论的:



第一种方案是参考日文中的「割注」,使用warichū、inline cutting note、split annotation或者gezhu之类的翻译。但wari、cutting、split、ge感觉有把一行分成两行的意思,只适用于「双行夹注」。


第三种方案是自己造一个词,如“in-text note/commentary”等。








xfq commented 1 year ago

@eisoch 提供的横排夹注的图:


acli commented 1 year ago

warichū 在平面設計專指雙行夾注,的確不可以指其他

「夾注」 直譯我會傾向用 inline annotation;「行內夾注」 的做法英文排版也有,但據我理解沒有特別名稱

Bobo-alcazar commented 1 year ago

warichū 在平面設計專指雙行夾注,的確不可以指其他

「夾注」 直譯我會傾向用 inline annotation;「行內夾注」 的做法英文排版也有,但據我理解沒有特別名稱



eisoch commented 11 months ago


image ▲ 林大椿; 李飞跃, 叶嘉莹, 陈斐: 《词式》(民国诗学论著丛刊), 北京: 文化艺术出版社, 2019.6, ISBN 978-7-5039-4920-3, p. 22


eisoch commented 11 months ago


image ▲ 涂宗涛: 《诗词曲格律纲要》, 天津: 天津人民出版社, 1982.8, 统一书号 10072·691, p. 84


image ▲ 涂宗涛: 《诗词曲格律纲要》, 天津: 天津人民出版社, 1982.8, 统一书号 10072·691, p. 75

heangfat commented 11 months ago


image ▲ 涂宗涛: 《诗词曲格律纲要》, 天津: 天津人民出版社, 1982.8, 统一书号 10072·691, p. 84


image ▲ 涂宗涛: 《诗词曲格律纲要》, 天津: 天津人民出版社, 1982.8, 统一书号 10072·691, p. 75


eisoch commented 11 months ago


IMG_5561 ▲ 张静芬: 《闽南方言的历史比较与语音构拟》, 厦门: 厦门大学出版社, 2002.7, ISBN 978-7-5615-8656-3, p. 108


IMG_5562 ▲ 张静芬: 《闽南方言的历史比较与语音构拟》, 厦门: 厦门大学出版社, 2002.7, ISBN 978-7-5615-8656-3, p. 42

eisoch commented 11 months ago



eisoch commented 11 months ago

昆曲曲本(非昆剧,但源流相同)唱词的夹注部分有双行紧接单行的情况。(暂时忽略唱词旁的蓑衣式工尺谱和汉字四角的咬字标记。)如下图,双行部分内容是“啄木鸝 首至合”(蓝框),单行部分内容是“正旦”(绿框)。当然,这里指的是夹注的样式,也有人可以将其理解为正文的一部分。

image ▲ 中国艺术研究院音乐研究所, 中国艺术研究院艺术与文献馆: 《天韵社曲谱(上册)》, 北京: 文化艺术出版社, 2019.11, ISBN 978-7-5039-6801-3, p. 161


eisoch commented 11 months ago


1、段玉裁、王念孙等用小型汉字表示句读。这种情况本质上属于标点,但UTC和WG2很难直接接纳这样的标点。这有可能也适合用夹注的逻辑来处理。类似的情况也存在于《碣石调·幽兰》,使用单行的“一句”等来表示句读。可参考IRGN2645中关于古琴文字谱《碣石调·幽兰》的介绍,该文档也做了减字谱旁字(小字)和双行夹注的比较。 2、儿化用小型“儿”字。我和Andrew West曾经建议使用SVS处理,但没有被接纳。详见L2/16-109=WG2 N4720。 3、ARIB STD-B24规定有70%字面的汉字,“氏”“副”“元”“故”“前”“新”(92区26—31位)。这在IRG #51的会间讨论过,目前大家不认为这部分有信息交换的需求,暂时搁置。

747 commented 11 months ago

應 @eisoch 邀報告,簡牘中常見橫向分割任意行數的樣式,不知道是否與夾注有關。本人由於匆忙暫時不能參與議論,只貼幾張圖作爲示意。

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huijing commented 11 months ago

Based on discussion during the CLReq call on 17 Nov, the team feels that the term "inline annotation" would be appropriate instead of using "warichū"

r12a commented 11 months ago

Based on discussion during the CLReq call on 17 Nov, the team feels that the term "inline annotation" would be appropriate instead of using "warichū"

I have no problem with choosing a non-Japanese word for 'warichu', but calling it 'inline annotation' rather presupposes that the warichu approach is the only approach used for inline annotations. Is that the case? If not, how would one distinguish between the warichu approach and another approach to inline annotations?

xfq commented 11 months ago

One of the reasons we don't use the word 'warichu' is that there are two forms of inline annotations, and 'warichu' can only indicate the double-line form, not the single-line form (see https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/109#issuecomment-655545050 ).

xfq commented 11 months ago

@eisoch 提供的夹注中嵌套夹注的图:


huijing commented 10 months ago

Draft translation for https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/109#issuecomment-655545050

3.4 行内夹注 | Inline annotations

3.4.1 行内夹注的使用 | Usage of inline annotations


Inline annotations refer to the explanatory text which is inserted directly after the relevant words in the text. There are two types of inline annotations. When laid out in a single line, they are referred to as "single-line annotations". When laid out in two lines, they are referred to as "double-line annotations". Both can be used when text is laid out horizontally or vertically. As inline annotations are a straightfoward way to explain words and phrases directly in the text, it is commonly seen in commentary for classical books, traditional Chinese medicine, screenplays and reference books.

3.4.2 行内夹注的字号与行距 | Font size and line spacing for inline annotations

行内夹注的字号必须小于正文字号。常见做法有:正文为五号字(10.5pt),夹注用六号字(8pt);正文小四号(12 pt),夹注用小五号(9pt);正文用小五(9pt)夹注用七号(6pt)。单行夹注时,正文五号字夹注常用小五号(9pt)。

The font size of the inline annotations must be smaller than the font size of the text. Some common practices include: when using Size 5 (10.5pt) for text, use Size 6 (8pt) for annotations; when using Size Small 4 (12pt) for text, use Size Small 5 (9pt) for annotations; when using Size Small 5 (9pt) for text, use Size 7 (6pt) for annotations. For single-line annotations, when the main text uses Size 5, Size Small 5 (9pt) is often used for annotations.


Punctuation for inline annotations are handled similarly to that of the text. The punctuation prohibition rules for line start and line end must be the same for both text and annotations. If punctuation marks are prohibited from appearing at the line end for text, then it must be prohibited from appearing at the line end for the annotations.


Inline annotations can either be set solid with the text or with added spacing, or with type A brackets, i.e. parentheses, at the start and end of the annotation. The parentheses themselves are subject to punctuation width adjustment. Parentheses used for double-line annotations should be equal to the height of both the annotations, and usually of half-width.


Relationship between inline annotations and text: For single-line annotations, in horizontal writing mode, the inline annotations should be aligned with the bottom of the text, while in vertical writing mode, the inline annotations should be aligned with the right of the text. For double-line annotations, regardless of writing mode, they should be center-aligned with the main text. In other words, even if the double-line annotation is taller or wider than the text, they should exceed the text equally on both sides. The overall line spacing of the text should always be consistent, and where double-line annotations occur, the spacing would become narrower. This should be kept in mind when the initial line spacing of the text is designed.


Line-spacing within inline annotations: The line spacing between the two lines of a double-line annotation is usually set to 0, in other words, set solid. The line length of the two lines of a double-line annotation should be as equal as posible. In circumstances where the inline annotation does not exceed the break point of the text, the inline annotation should be broken at a position that allows both lines to be equal in length. If the two lines of the double-line annotation are not equal in length, the second line should be shorter than the first.

3.4.3 夹注需要跨越正文换行位置时的处理 | Handling inline annotations that exceed the break point of the text


Depending on where the inline annotation is inserted, and the length of the inline annotation, there might be cases where the inline annotation exceeds the break point of the text. In such scenario, please refer to the order and length as shown in the figure.

Note: I realised that the JLReq uses " Inline Cutting Note" (https://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/#inline_cutting_note)