w3c / clreq

Requirements for Chinese Text Layout
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Connector Mark, Taiwanese standard #204

Open c933103 opened 5 years ago

c933103 commented 5 years ago

According to official document from Taiwan MoE, a connector mark must occupy the space of one character (see https://language.moe.gov.tw/001/Upload/FILES/SITE_CONTENT/M0001/HAU/h15.htm ).

However, the character currently given out by clreq, which include U+2013 EN DASH [–], and U+007E TILDE [~], are both less than one character width.

Thus, the EN DASH in the document should probably be replaced by EM DASH instead, and the "or U+007E" part of the document should also be removed.

bobbytung commented 5 years ago

According to the Punctuation Guidance (revised edition) issued by The Ministry of Education in Taiwan, connector symbols include U+2014 EM DASH [—] and U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILDE [~].

根据台湾教育部的《重订标点符号手册》,连接号分为甲式及乙式,甲式为U+2014 EM DASH [—]、乙式为 U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILDE [~]。

根据台灣教育部的《重訂標點符號手冊》,連接號分為甲式及乙式,甲式為U+2014 EM DASH [—]、乙式為U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILDE [~]。