w3c / coga

Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force deliverables
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8 suggestions to clarify the 2nd chapter ("Introduction") and make it easier to digest #195

Closed julierawe closed 3 years ago

julierawe commented 4 years ago

(1) Use more formatting to help chunk out the information and make it easier to digest. This is especially important for 2.2 (Background), which contains essential information but is hard to get through and grasp its meaning. Here are some suggestions that apply to 2.2 and may benefit the entire 2nd chapter:

(2) Clarify 2nd paragraph in the introduction.

(3) Make clearer that the COGA guidelines can be helpful to all web users, not just those with disabilities.

(4) Define "usability."

(5) Mention common conditions to help describe what you mean by "cognitive and learning disabilities." We know you're planning to add a glossary, but we think the introduction would greatly benefit by adding more specifics that help give readers a clearer idea of what you mean by cognitive and learning disabilities. In particular, we suggest mentioning many or all of the conditions in the "Personas" section, perhaps by adding a bulleted list like this:

"These guidelines are designed to make content more accessible to people with:

(6) Mention "intellectual disabilities" in the introduction and consider mentioning that "learning disabilities" can mean different things in different parts of the world.

(7) Consider restructuring the list of 8 examples in 2.2.

Current wording: "Design, structure and language choices can make content inaccessible to people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Examples may include:

Suggested rewording: "The choices that web developers make about design, structure and language can make content harder to access by people with different kinds of cognitive and learning disabilities. Common barriers for these users include:

Web developers can reduce or remove barriers for people with cognitive and learning disabilities by choosing to provide:

(8) Clarify what is meant by "may be age related"

jpascalides commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your detailed feedback. The task force has reviewed your suggestions and have determined a path forward for each of the sub-issues that were submitted, as follows.

  1. Use more formatting to help chunk information: Thank you for this suggestion. The task force conducted a thorough review of the document and organized in the most effective manner consistent with W3C style. We will also release an online version that will be able to chunk the information better.

  2. Clarify 2nd paragraph in the introduction: Regarding your question about the statement "Some accessibility features will help people with cognitive impairments", the same statement does apply to individuals with learning disabilities. The task force has now included a point of clarification in the abstract, which is located at: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/consistency_checks/content-usable/index.html#abstract

Regarding your question about the phrase "other factors that are difficult to include in general guidelines" this relates to personalization which is actively being addressed by the W3C's personalization task force. This text was agreed upon through consensus in the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. Unfortunately, we need to publish version 1.0 in early 2021 and we are not able to adjust consensus text at this time.

  1. COGA guidelines can be helpful to all web users: We have updated the language to state "While this guidance may improve usability for all, these patterns are essential for some people with cognitive and learning impairments to be able to use content independently."

  2. Define usability: Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, we need to publish version 1.0 in early 2021, but we will look into the issue for the next version of the document.

  3. Mention common conditions to help describe what you mean by "cognitive and learning disabilities": This information is now included in the abstract. Thank you!

  4. Mention intellection disabilities in the introduction and mention that learning disabilities can mean different things in different parts of the world: Thank you for this suggestion. The task force determined that consistent use of terminology throughout the document was essential and we would prefer to avoid making the change at this time.

  5. Consider restructuring the list of 8 examples in 2.2: We truly appreciate your detailed feedback. Unfortunately, we need to publish version 1.0 in early 2021 and we are not able to adjust consensus text at this time.

  6. Clarify what is meant by "may be age related": The task force has now included "age related memory loss" in the glossary.