w3c / contact-picker

Contact Picker API
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interface ContactInfo: Should name be a sequence? #3

Closed inexorabletash closed 5 years ago

inexorabletash commented 5 years ago

Contacts are not the same as people. People don't necessarily have a single name. We could decide that a contact has at most one name for the purposes of this API, but maybe that's too opinionated.

I'm somewhat torn on this one, since I think developers will get it wrong. We definitely don't want to expose e.g. first, last (as that is definitely wrong, see link above); the alternative is that we have the OS/User Agent canonically produce a single representative name from the data we have about a contact. I suspect that's the best experience all around, but should be documented as an explicit requirement.

beverloo commented 5 years ago

Agreed, thank you. It'd be good to not lock ourselves in place anywhere in the API.