w3c / css-a11y

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Review CSS Spatial Navigation Level 1 #35

Open michael-n-cooper opened 5 years ago

michael-n-cooper commented 5 years ago

Review CSS Spatial Navigation Level 1. This may relate to the CSS navigation problem.

michael-n-cooper commented 5 years ago

APA tracking for this spec

michael-n-cooper commented 5 years ago

APA discussion 22 May 2019

AutoSponge commented 1 year ago

Linking this to focusgroup explainer.

Also, Spatial Navigation appears to have no user-controlled opt-out. My instinct says there should be an ability to "cancel" or "Escape" from spatial navigation even if using directional input is the out-in (I don't see an opt-in in the spec). This would almost need a separate focus indicator. One that would allow someone with cognitive, learning, or memory disabilities to understand their control options.

The benefit of roving tabindex for some keyboard/AT users is the ability to bypass blocks of interactive elements with tab. Spacial Navigation seems to eliminate that possibility. Tab key still follows focus order. So, maybe this isn't a replacement for custom key handlers. Which means that focusgroup is also needed but I'm worried that bringing both will overcomplicate native vs. custom behavior.

linking https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7340