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Draft specifications for notes #3

Open JulieBlanc opened 4 years ago

JulieBlanc commented 4 years ago

This extensive issue is a draft specifications for notes creation and positioning in continuous and paged media.

This draft is based on:

Table of Contents

  1. Types of notes
  2. Specifications W3C
  3. Proposal: pattern to create notes 3.1. Global pattern 3.2. Clarification about HTML elements
  4. Create notes with CSS 4.1. The ‘note()’ value 4.2. The ‘element()’ value 4.3 The note counter 4.4 The ::note-call pseudo element 4.5 The ::note-marker pseudo element 4.6 The ::note-callback pseudo element
  5. Page note areas 5.1 Positioning schemes of note area 5.2. Multiple notes areas in a page 5.3. Notes for multi-column layout 5.4. @footnote special at-rule
  6. The ::note-area pseudo element
  7. Notes policy

1. Types of notes

For now, the W3C specifications only allow the creation of footnotes, as described in the CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module (css-gcpm-3). But we know that designers and editors like to be able like to make use of all kinds of notes. You can find some examples here: https://www.w3.org/XML/2015/02/footnote-examples/. To name a few:

Types of notes
Footnotes notes placed at the bottom of the pages
Side notes notes related to the page content, grouped in the left or in the right of the page, alongside the text area
End notes notes grouped together in one place at the end of a document or at the end of a section of the document
Marginal notes notes that are placed to one side of a page or both sides at the exact vertical position of the note reference number
Column footnotes footnotes that can be placed according to the column in which they are located
Multiple notes area not for pages that share footnotes, margin notes, column footnote, etc.

2. Specifications W3C

A part of the CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module (css-gcpm-3) is dedicated to footnotes. The first section defines the terms of the footnote objects. These definitions can be applied to all types of notes, thus we’ll keep the same terms but will while removing the prefix “foot”, for the rest of this issue discussion:

Note element: The element containing the content of the note, which will be removed from the flow and displayed as a note.

Note marker: (also known as note number): A number or symbol adjacent to the note body, identifying the particular note. The note marker should use the same number or symbol as the corresponding note call, although the marker may contain additional punctuation.

Note body : The note marker is placed before the note element, and together they represent the note body, which will be placed in the note area.

Note callout (also known as note reference): A number or symbol, found in the main text, which points to the note body.

Note area: The page area used to display notes.

Note rule: (also known as note separator): A horizontal rule is often used to separate the note area from the rest of the page. The separator (and the entire note area) cannot be rendered on a page with no notes.

The specification also describes how to create footnotes in a page with the following code:

@page {
  @footnote {
    float: bottom;
    /* style of footnote area */

span.footnote { 
    /* Display span as footnote */
    float: footnote; 

This code also creates the special footnote counter and special pseudo-elements for footnote calls (::footnote-call) and footnote markers (::footnote-marker). The position, size and styles of the footnote area are defined by the @footnote declaration. The specification does not set precise limits, only a couple of paragraphs and a lot of issues and unanswered questions. The advantage is that we can do many proposals without conflicting with the current specifications.

In css-gcpm-3, there is this issue:

Issue 2: Why is float: bottom used with the footnote area? Floating footnotes to the footnote area, and then floating the footnote area itself, seems overly complex, given that implementations don’t allow the footnote area to float anywhere else. Note that some implementations do allow the footnote area to be absolutely positioned. (https://www.w3.org/TR/css-gcpm-3/)

We agree that unsing double float declaration is complex. But a mechanism is needed to move the note element into a specific area of the page or the document. To do this, we can take inspiration from a mechanism already present in the draft of the paged media specifications, the running element: by adding the position: running() declaration, we can remove an element from the flow to reuse it in multiple places, perfect for the running heads of a book for example.

For the notes, we’d like to propose a new way to create and place notes, based on new values (notes() and element()) for properties already in the CSS specifications (position and content).

3. Proposal: pattern to create notes

3.1. Global pattern

Notes are always dependent on a principal flow, but they are out-of-flow elements, such as an aside. This is ancillary content that may be moved to the bottom of the page, to its margins, or to another section of the document. A note is created when the content is moved to a specific area of the document, leaving a reference indicator behind.

For all types of notes, we can see a pattern to build them:

  1. Declaring that an element of a flow is a note.
  2. Remove the item from the flow.
  3. Leave a note reference indicator in its place, which points to the moved note element - this is an explicit link from a location in the document to a note element.
  4. Place the note element and its children in a special area with all the other notes of the page or the document, in the order of appearance in the flow.
  5. Create a marker before the note that matches the note call.
  6. Place the note area in the page with CSS layout facilities according to a position scheme.
  7. (If paged media) If the note overflows the note area, move the items to the next page in the equivalent area, according to note policy.

3.2. Clarification about HTML elements

The W3C doesn't provide a dedicated way to tag notes in HTML. Some discussions in the mailing list of the W3C or whatwg, or in blog articles, suggest different ways but none of them seem to have unanimous agreement.

In use

In the meantime, there are two most commonly used methods of adding notes:

In unofficial specifications

David MacDonald and Shane McCarron propose specifics <note>, <notegroup>and <refnote> elements in some unofficial specifications. One part of the document presents uses cases and a lot of requirements that are very useful. However, we believe that many of the HTML syntaxes proposed in the document can be best achieved through CSS mechanisms.

What we’d like to have

Therefore, we propose to use only one note element.

A note element represents a note, e.g. a secondary content that is related to other content in the document. It’s a self-contained node that gives the information about where a note starts and where it ends. The note element must be placed where the note appears in the content flow. This is a new type of HTML element which has the following properties:

The following example is a conforming HTML fragment:

<p>Gutenberg  in 1439 was the first European to use movable type.
Among his many contributions to printing are: the invention of
a process for mass-producing movable type; the use of oil-based
ink for printing books; <note>Soap, Sex, and Cigarettes: A Cultural
History of American Advertising By Juliann Sivulka, page 5</note>
adjustable molds; mechanical movable type; and the use 
of a wooden printing press similar to the agricultural 
screw presses of the period.</p>

This potential new HTML element is easy to use and allows a note to be always attached to the content it adds details to. This proposal is aligned to the way HTML works (a node mechanism) without adding an HTML element that would depend on another one (to create note references for example).

Until this element exists in HTML, a span element will be used with a class named “note” for illustrative purposes.

4. Create notes with CSS

A mechanism is needed to move the note element into a specific area of the page or of the document, and leaving a reference indicator in its place. To do this, we add the note() value to the position property and the element() value to the content property.

4.1. The 'note()' value

The note() function removes the element (and associated ::before and ::after pseudo-elements) from the principal flow, and makes it available to place in a page margin-box, a page note-area @note-area or a ::note-area pseudo element using element(). The element inherits from its original position in the document, but is not rendered there, instead a ::note-call pseudo-element is created and inserted in the original position of the note. The elements keep their defined styles. A custom identifier is required: note(<custom-ident>). If there is no element() value corresponding to the custom identifier of the note() value, the elements are not removed from the flow and are shown as inline note elements.

4.2. The 'element()' value

To place the elements removed from the flow in a specific place on the document or page, we can use the function element() already present in the specifications and usable in a contentproperty.

The element() value of the content property places an element (which has been removed from the normal flow via running()) in a page margin box. Whenever the value of the element changes, the value of element() is updated. \ Just as with string(), element() takes an optional keyword to describe which value should be used in the case of multiple assignments on a page. User agents must be able to recall many values, as element() can return past, current, or future values of the assignment.

A custom identifier is required (same as the corresponding note() function): element(<custom-ident>).

The keyword all-once

To make element() work with note(), a specific behaviour needs to be added that can be declared via an optional keyword all-once.

With the keyword all-once, the value of all the assignment of the document or the page are used. ie - all the note elements (which have been removed from the normal flow via note()) are display in the new area where they're assigned. Each element from note() value is displayed in the same order of the flow and has only one assignment in the document or in the page (the elements are not repeated). The value may be empty if there is no note element on the page.

element() = string(<custom-ident>, all-once)

In addition to that, the element() function can be used not only in margin boxes but also in new page area @note-area or a ::note-area pseudo-element.

Example 1: notes in page note area

.note {
    position: note(<custom-ident>);

@page {
    @note-area { 
        content: element(<custom-ident>, all-once);

Example 2: notes in page margin box

Using the element() function, the margin-boxes can now receive the content of the note elements.

The dimensions and (default) properties of a margin box works as described in CSS-page-3. The size of the note area does not affect the content page area.

Let’s look at an example: the following rules result in the placement of the note elements inside the left-top margin box. Margin and text alignment of the note elements are set to the note element itself and padding of the margin box is set in @left-top at-rule.

@page {
    @left-top {
        content: element(sidenote, all-once);
        padding: 5mm;

.sidenote {
    position: note(sidenote);
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    text-align: left;


ISSUE 1: In css-gcpm-3, the default value of the second argument of the element() function is first. However, when notes are created from the note()function, this should be the value all-onceby default. How do you indicate this?

ISSUE 2: If the other arguments of the function element() are declared (first, first-except, last, start), what does that do for the note elements?

4.3. The note counter

This section and follows contains some specifications of css-gcpm-3.

The note counter is a predefined counter associated with the note element. Its value is the number or symbol used to identify the note. This value is used in both the note call and the note marker. It should be incremented for each note.

The note counter, like other counters, may use any counter style. Notes often use a sequence of symbols.

::note-call { content: counter(footnote, symbols('*', '†', '‡', '§')); }

::note-marker { content: counter(footnote, symbols('*', '†', '‡', '§')) '. '; }

The note counter can be reset on each page:

@page {
  counter-reset: note;
  @note-area { … }

Or it can be reset per element:

section {
  counter-reset: note;

Note that the value of the note counter should depend on the position of the note element in the document tree, not where it is eventually placed. A note element may sometimes be placed on the page after the note call, but the same counter value must be used for both.

4.4. The ::note-call pseudo element

A ::note-call pseudo-element is inserted in place of the note element when the latter is removed from the flow. By default, the content of this pseudo-element is the value of the note counter, styled as a superscripted number. It must act like an anchor.

::note-call {
    content: counter(note);
    vertical-align: baseline;
    font-size: 100%;
    line-height: inherit;
    font-variant-position: super;

4.5 The ::note-marker pseudo element

The ::note-marker pseudo-element represents the note element’s marker, the number or symbol that identifies each note. This pseudo-element behaves like a ::marker pseudo-element, as defined in [CSS3LIST]. It is placed at the beginning of the parent’s content, and is inline by default. The ::note-marker can be styled just as other ::marker elements can be. The default style should include list-style-position: inside, or be set as any other list.

::note-marker {
    content: counter(note) '. ';

4.6. The ::note-callback pseudo element

The ::note-callback pseudo-element represents the note element's call back, e.g. a navigation back from a note that returns to the correct associated ::note-call. It is placed at the end of the superior parent’s content, and is inline by default. By default, the content of this pseudo-element is the Leftwards Arrow with Hook Unicode Character (“↩” U+21A9). It must act like a link.

::note-callback {
    content: '↩';

5. Page note areas

The @note-area at-rule creates special page areas that can be used to display notes elements via the element() function. Those areas, called "page note areas", are created within the page context, which is the declaration block of the @page rule. This rule defines a box that, if used, will contain the corresponding note elements that appear on that page and move by generated content properties for notes. Since note areas are in the context page, notes boxes are contained in the content area of a page box.

The @note-area may be following by a custom identifier.

The properties of a note box are determined by properties declared in the @note rules. These properties can be used to define:

If the content of a note area overflows from the box, it will go to the next page, in the same note area (see 6. Notes policy).

5.1. Positioning schemes of note area

Any of the CSS layout facilities can be used to create, position and size note areas: float, absolute positioning, grid, exclusion, etc.

CSS Page float add some values to the float property to positioning element in a page context and propose the float-reference property to indicate the "reference container" for a floated element. We will make extensive use of these properties in the following examples

Default values of properties for @note-area:

@note-area {
    float: bottom;
    float-reference: page;
    width: 100%;
    max-height: 80%;

Example 3

Using float on the page and negative margins can be helpful in creating note area half on merge, half on text content.

@page {
    @note-area {
        content: element(sidenotes, all-once);
        float: top right;
        float-reference: page;
        width: 42mm;
        margin-right: -30mm;

notes {
    position: note(sidenotes)


Example 4

Since a note area is a box, it's possible to layout the area itself (with columns for example).

@page {
    @note {
        content: element(notes, all-once)
        float: bottom right;
        page-reference: float;
        width: 50%;
        columns: 2;

notes {
    position: note(notes);


5.2. Multiple notes areas in a page

There are already a lot of use cases in critical editions where you can find multiple kinds of notes (bibliographical references, explanations, etc.) The @note-area at-rules declaration make multiple notes easier by mixing multiple note areas in the same page context.

Example 5

@page {
    @note refsA {
        content: element(refsA, all-once);
        float: bottom left;
        float-reference: page;
        width: 30mm;
        margin-left: -12mm;
    @note refsB {
        content: element(refsB, all-once);
        float: bottom right;
        float-reference: page;
        width: 60mm;
        columns: 2;

note.refs-catA {
    position: note(refsA);

note.refs-catB {
    position: note(refsB);


Example 6

In this example, we add a new value line to the float-reference property. This allows creation of marginal notes, i.e., notes paced to one side of the text, with the first line at the same height of the flow that contains the note-call.

@page {
    @left-top {
        content: element(refs, all-once);      
    @bottom-left {
        content: element(footnotes, all-once);
        width: 100%;
        vertical-align: bottom;

note.refs {
    position: note(refs);
    float-reference: line; 
    width: 50mm;
    padding-left: 50mm:

note.footnotes {
    position: note(footnotes); 


ISSUE 3: This requires the creation of a new algorithm to avoid the overlapping of notes.

5.3. Notes for multi-column layout

In a multi-column layout, note elements may have to be displayed at the bottom of each column. This means that multiple note areas might have to be created for the same fragmented flow. This layout creates some issues:

CSS Page float proposes the float-reference property to indicate the "reference container" for a floated element. The value column indicates that the float reference is the column in which the floated element is placed in a multi column environment.

We can use this reference to indicate the creation of note areas in the columns of the page where the note appears. As many boxes as necessary are created on each column. All the note areas have the same properties and can be target by one @note-area rule only.

Example 7

@page {
    @note-area {
        content: element(notes, all-once);
        float: bottom;
        float-reference: column;

#content {
    columns: 3;

#content note.notes {
    position: note(notes);


5.4. @footnote special at-rule

css-gcpm-3 define a special@footnote rule. This rule can be kept in this specification as a specific @note-area with predefined positioning scheme. It behaves like a floated bottom page element. No positioning scheme designed by the user is taken into account in this @footnote rule, and only one footnote box can be created on a page.

Example 8

@page {
    @footnote {
        content: element(footnotes, all-once);

note.footnote {
    position: note(footnote);


This would have the exact same behavior when using the following declarations:

@page {
    @note-area {
        content: element(footnotes, all-once);
        float: bottom;
        float-reference: page;
        width: 100%;

note.footnote {
    position: note(footnote);

6. The ::note-area pseudo element

We propose this specific pseudo-element to be able to create end notes for any block elements without having to create specific HTML markup. This pseudo-element can be use in both screen/continuous and paged media

The ::note-area is a new kind of pseudo-element intended to receive generated content created from notes() value. The only value authorised in the content property of ::note-area is the element() function.

::note-area create a pseudo-element that is the last-child of the selected element or the penultimate if ::after pseudo-element is displayed. It’s a block level element by default.

The ::note-area will only receive the notes included in its primary parent (it won’t get all the notes from other elements), and will be displayed via note() and element() values.

Example 9

The ::note-area can be used to create end notes for all section elements.

note {
    position: note(chapterNotes);

section::note-area {
    content: note(chapterNotes);

7. Notes policy

In paged media, it can happen at the end of the page that the last note overflows from the note area. As a general rule, overflow content can be moved to the next page in the note area or the margin box that corresponds to the previous one. However, rendering notes can be complex. Like the footnote-policy property in the css-gcpm-3, we need a note-policy that gives authors some controls over the rendering. We propose to update the current specifications.

The note-policy must be declared in the global context of the note area or the margin box.

The values accepted in note-policy are auto, line or block.

note-policy: auto

The user agent chooses how to render notes, and may place some of the note body on a later page than the note reference. A note body must never be placed on a page before the note reference.

If the entire note doesn't fit in the note area or the margin box, due to the lack of space, the user agent displays the note line by line. If the addition of a new line implies the disappearance in the page of the line of text containing the note call, the user agent stops the rendering of the note and passes the content of the remaining note in the corresponding note area on the next page. Note that the user agent must honor widow and orphans settings when doing this, and may need to apply line value on certain notes to do so.

note-policy: line

If a given note body cannot be placed on the current page due to lack of space, the user agent introduces a forced page break before the line containing the note reference, so that both the reference and the note body end up on the next page. Note that the user agent must honor widow and orphans settings when doing this, and may need to insert the page break on an earlier line.

note-policy: block

Same for line, except that the forced page break is introduced before the paragraph that contains the note.

Et voilà! It's a long proposal, I hope we can work on it, we await your comments. :)

We also put down a post on the paged.js web site to explain our approach in a little bit less technical way: https://www.pagedjs.org/posts/2020-05-13-notes-about-notes/

howcom commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your good work on notes. It's an important topic which has been neglected by the web. Hyperlinks have spoiled us, I think. Sidenotes are essential to producing good-looking textbooks other publications.

I like that you specify the note-area in CSS (and not try using HTML, like Regions did), that you base the solution on the @footnotes approach, and that the note-area can be shaped and positioned with the normal CSS properties.

The proposal is missing a feature which I think must be addressed. Figures often intrude into the margin area, and the corresponding caption is often placed in the margin area. Since the caption occupies the same space as the note area, I think it would be beneficial to coisider it a note. For example, consider this spread from a textbook:


The placement of the captions can be tricky, though, as figure may snap to the nearest edge; if the figure snaps to the top of the page, the caption will be displayed below the figure. And if the figure snaps to the bottom of the page, the caption should be displayed above. From a style sheet perspective, this is tricky to specify, but I think we must try, as the formatting is very common.

I also think the proposal could benefit from having more ways to align sidenotes in the note-area. An obvious first approach is to stack the sidenotes from the top. The second-most common alignment is baseline alignment with the natural position of the sidenote. This is handled with 'float-reference: line' in the proposal. This solution doens't seem intuitive to me -- 'float-reference' is use for shaping float and not for alignment. I've sketched a solution which accepts a number of keywords here:


Moving a note to the bottom of the note-area is also common, as can be seen here:


Finally, the 'note-policy' is well-named property, but I miss a way to say: if the note doesn't fit, just delete it. But perhaps that's specified somewhere else?