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[selectors] Adding a `:heading()` selector for headingoffset? #10296

Open keithamus opened 4 months ago

keithamus commented 4 months ago

https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5033 proposed to add a new attribute (now called headingoffset) which can offset a containers exposing heading level by a given amount, for example <div headingoffset=1><h1></h1></div> renders a heading with a level 2 (1+1 = 2) in the accessibility tree.

This begs the question if it's possible to somehow correctly style elements according to their computed offset. Given headingoffset is accumulative (it does a flat tree walk) it can be quite difficult to appropriately select for such combinations.

So, here I am, proposing a pseudo selector to allow for selecting the computed heading level. I propose :heading(n) as a selector for heading elements exposes as level n. An <h1> (with no headingoffset parents) would then be selectable as either :heading(1) or h1, but for example <div headingoffset=1><div headingoffset=2><h1></h1></div></div> would be selectable as :heading(4) (1+2+1 = 4).

I want to stress that I am of the opinion that aria-level or role=heading should not impact :heading(); they are readily selectable today and I don't think aria should have that dramatic an impact on other selectors.

I think it would be really helpful for us to consider adjusting the UA stylesheets such that the existing for styles like h1{} are extended to h1, :heading(1){}. I know this looks scarily like the old document outline but as headingoffset is both explicit and opt in, I'm confident this doesn't introduce the same issus as document outlines.


Crissov commented 4 months ago

351 is related: :level(). Incidentally, I recently started to think about combining hierarchical and nesting level again, but do not have a more concrete proposal yet.

3596 would bring :role(heading) to the table, but has no concept of hierarchic level.