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[css-content] Use case for counter / counters in content alt text? #10387

Open emilio opened 3 months ago

emilio commented 3 months ago

Implementations don't support this, and supporting it creates somewhat non-trivial complexity (because counter use nodes need to be evaluated and inserted during layout tree construction).

It's not impossible to do but I wonder what's the use case for it? If there's no strong use case should it be dropped from the spec?

cc @dandclark

dandclark commented 3 months ago

Yeah, given the complexity to support this I think it should be dropped unless there's a strong use case and some signals that browsers are likely to actually implement it, which at the moment seems uncertain at best.

fantasai commented 2 months ago

If it's about whether it can be implemented easily enough rather than whether it's a reasonable feature to spec, then I think we can just mark it at-risk.

danielsakhapov commented 1 month ago

I'm thinking about Carousel project and specifically ::scroll-marker. When they are displayed as let's say navigation dots, I believe we want alt text to be based on counters (e.g. content: "" / image counter(dot_number))? Otherwise navigation would be useless since the content property is just empty "" for ::scroll-marker to look like a dot.

@flackr @w3c/accessibility-specialists @aleventhal

flackr commented 1 month ago

FWIW, I think that by default scroll-markers in an exclusive group should be given the tab role, with the scroll-marker-group having the tablist role (following the carousel guidance suggested for authors at https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/carousel/ ) and have a generated accessible name based on the number of items in the group (e.g. just as a radio button will tell you how many options you have). Of course allowing authors to set meaningful names based on counters would be a good improvement to allow authors to add more meaning than a generic "item" or "marker".

aleventhal commented 1 month ago

The accessibility tree also has concepts of "position in set" and "set size", which it computes automatically, so that screen readers can read something like "Tab 3 of 5". It does this for a number of controls, e.g. radio buttons, list items, etc. I'm not sure if screen readers universally will announce these for tab controls, so we need to test. If they do, then name would probably just need to be something generic, otherwise you will hear the item # twice.

We'll need to look into that before we decide whether to automatically populate the accessible name with the number. Even if it doesn't work, there's an argument to be made that the screen reader is what needs updating there.

scottaohara commented 1 month ago

@aleventhal is right, screen readers will generally announce the x of y information for markup patterns that support the position in set / set size. if at all possible, such numeration should not be appended to accessible names, since this will just add unnecessary verbosity.