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[css-images] Add easing functions to color stops #1332

Open meyerweb opened 7 years ago

meyerweb commented 7 years ago

A recent CSS-Tricks article (https://css-tricks.com/easing-linear-gradients/) and subsequent Twitter discussion (https://twitter.com/stubbornella/status/861603397677359104) spurred me to file this request for Level 4.

In summary, linear gradients are not always visually acceptable. This is particularly true when “fading out” a dark color to transparent. The article describes how to set up a bunch of color stops to ease out the gradient. A much better solution would be to add easing functions to all color stops after the first, with a linear default for backward compatibility.

The example in the article could be approximated like this:

linear-gradient(to bottom, black 0%, transparent 100% ease-in-out);

…instead of the 11 color stops used to get the effect. (Note that I don’t claim this would be a precise match; a cubic-bezier() easing would most likely be required for that. But it would be close.)

This would change the definition of <color-stop> (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#typedef-color-stop) from:

<color-stop> = <color> <length-percentage>?

…to the following at a minimum:

<color-stop> = <color> <length-percentage>? <timing-function>?

As an author, I would probably prefer:

<color-stop> = <color> [ <length-percentage> || <timing-function> ]?

…since that would allow me to write the easing and distance in whichever order I liked. (For that matter, I’d prefer to be able to write all three in any order, but I don’t know if that would upset any implementors’ apple carts.)

meyerweb commented 7 years ago

Apologies for forgetting this at initial filing: <timing-function> would use the same values as transition-timing-function, with the same definitions. (https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#transition-timing-function-property)

AmeliaBR commented 7 years ago

I really like this syntax. I've long had an idea of proposing easing for SVG gradients by borrowing the SMIL keySplines attribute. But of course, named CSS easing functions are much nicer.

However, we would need to figure out how it interacted with the gamma curves created by color hints, since those are already implemented & will be moved up to CSS Images Level 3.

svgeesus commented 7 years ago

However, we would need to figure out how it interacted with the gamma curves created by color hints, since those are already implemented & will be moved up to CSS Images Level 3.

Good point, see https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1284 which adds a 'midpoint' - somewhat oddly named, it turns the linear interpolation between adjacent color stops into a curve, effectively moving the point at which the midway color is reached to be earlier (curve up) or later (curve down). This is way easier to understand with a diagram, of course. (an interactive diagram would be even better).

Being defined by a single point, it is less flexible than easing functions which are defined by two points, giving S-shaped curves as well..

larsenwork commented 7 years ago

@meyerweb My attempt was mostly a proof of concept and as such nowhere near flexible enough so thank you very much for picking up my idea and making it way better 👍 I'm curious how the <color-stop> = <color> [ <length-percentage> || <timing-function> ]? would work in practice since timing functions refers to the transition between two stops.

Should one only be able to add timing-function to subsequent stops so it always describes how the gradient transitions from the previous stop to the stop with the timing-function applied?

Or would

linear-gradient(black 0%, transparent 100% ease-in-out);

effectively be the same as

linear-gradient(black 0% ease-in-out, transparent 100%);

and if so, then how should

linear-gradient(black 0% ease-in-out, transparent 100% ease-in);

be interpreted?

meyerweb commented 7 years ago

@larsenwork: My thought was that the timing function (really an easing function) for a color stop described the easing from the previous stop to itself, so an easing function on the first color stop would be ignored (though not invalid).


linear-gradient(black 0%, transparent 100% ease-in-out);

…describes an ease-in-out from the previous color stop (black) to the current color stop (transparent). Therefore, your second example:

linear-gradient(black 0% ease-in-out, transparent 100%);

…is actually equivalent to:

linear-gradient(black 0% ease-in-out, transparent 100% linear);

If the <color> [ <length-percentage> || <timing-function> ]? syntax were adopted, then this would also be equivalent:

linear-gradient(black 0% ease-in-out, transparent linear 100%);

…because the easing function and distances could be written in any order.

AmeliaBR commented 7 years ago

To address @larsenwork's question, and also to synchronize with the mid-points syntax, maybe the easing function should be a separate item in the list. You would either use a or a mid-point position

So, working from the value definition in CSS Images 4 the full syntax for a <color-stop-list> would be:

<color-stop-list> =
  [ <linear-color-stop> [, <linear-color-hint>]? ]# , <linear-color-stop>
<linear-color-stop> = <color> && <color-stop-length>
<linear-color-hint> = [<length-percentage> | <animation-timing-function>]
<color-stop-length> = <length-percentage>{0,2}

In English: A color stop list is a comma-separated list of two or more color stops.

Each color stop consists of a color value and an optional position value, or start and end positions values.

Each pair of consecutive color stops may optionally be separated by an interpolation instruction, which is also set off by commas. The interpolation instruction may take one of two forms:

PS, If this goes ahead, CSS Timing Functions 1 should probably be changed to CSS Interpolation Functions or some other dimension-agnostic name.

larsenwork commented 7 years ago

so an easing function on the first color stop would be ignored (though not invalid)

Just out of curiosity then why no make it invalid on the first color stop?

I'm also not sure what would be gained by making the order of easing and distance flexible. I think it could end up making the gradient function harder to read so I'd vote for

<color-stop> = <color> <length-percentage>? <timing-function>?

but I think you @AmeliaBR make some really interesting points too. Just to understand the syntax you're proposing it would be something like

linear-gradient(black, ease-in-out, white)


Which would make intuitively sense since the transition-functions (as I'd agnostically call them) describes how to transition between to stops.

meyerweb commented 7 years ago

Just out of curiosity then why no make it invalid on the first color stop?

Because I don’t want to have the entire gradient fail to render just because someone left an easing function in when they deleted the first stop during authoring. Also it makes defining the value syntax easier, since there can just be <color-stop> instead of <first-color-stop> and <color-stop>.

AmeliaBR commented 7 years ago


Just to understand the syntax you're proposing it would be something like linear-gradient(black, ease-in-out, white) right?

Right! Sorry, I should have actually included some examples.

It's not a perfect syntax, because it means the entries in the comma-separated list aren't all equal, but it's consistent with the existing mid-point color hint syntax.

larsenwork commented 7 years ago

Having slept on it I'm leaning towards @AmeliaBR approach. To sum up:



meyerweb commented 7 years ago

What are color interpolation hints meant to be now? I can’t seem to find any examples, and the definition (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#color-interpolation-hint) doesn’t make it at all clear what’s meant. Is it basically what this issue is about, or something else?

larsenwork commented 7 years ago

@meyerweb the color hints only shifts the halfway point and effectively creates two linear gradients in the process — at least that's what I'm gathering from the description and examples on csswg where e.g.

linear-gradient(rgb(100%, 0%, 0%), 25%, rgb(100%, 100%, 100%))
renders like
linear-gradient(rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) 0%, rgb(100%,50%,50%) 25%, rgb(100%, 100%, 100%) 100%)

and as such of fairly limited use when wanting to create smooth gradients but maybe @AmeliaBR could clarify.

EDIT: no, I was incorrect. It does some smoothing. It's still not quite there visually compared to proper ease-functions.

EDIT 2: made a quick comparison of the output here: https://codepen.io/larsenwork/pen/pPpMpb/

AmeliaBR commented 7 years ago

Yes, the color hint creates a curve. I'd really like to see better figures in the spec, but it uses the same math as a gamma correction curve like this one:

An XY graph with a range of 0 to 1 on both axis. Three lines on the graph: a straight x=y line, a concave curve, and a convex curve.  Points at x=0.5 on each curve are connected, labelled by the y-values: 0.73, 0.5, and 0.218 for each.

That graph is showing paired encoding and decoding gamma curves for luminance adjustment, which isn't relevant to this discussion.

But the shape of the curves is. One axis would be the distance along the gradient and the other axis is the distance in color-space. Normally, for an easing function the Y axis would be the color value, but for re-interpretting this graph as it's currently labelled, it's easier if you treat the X axis as the color value and the Y axis as the distance. A midpoint color hint of 73% says to use the curve where 50% in color-space is positioned at 73% in the gradient distance. A color hint of 21% says to use the curve where the mid-point color is positioned at 21% distance.

(And of course, a mid-point of 50% means the mid-point color gets positioned at the 50% distance, so it's equivalent to simple linear interpolation.)

AmeliaBR commented 7 years ago

But to answer @meyerweb's question

Is it basically what this issue is about, or something else?

The color hints were one way to address the problems with linear gradients being ugly in many cases. They are based on gradients used in Adobe products. The mid-point position is easy to represent and intuitive to adjust in a visual editor.

But as @svgeesus noted, the curves created by mid-point adjustments are less flexible than the cubic bezier curves used in the transition functions, because they are defined by one point, not two. In particular, you can't create an S-curve, ease-in-out relationship. And you definitely cannot create steps. So I think there is a value in having both: the mid-points for their simplicity, and full transition functions for more control.

meyerweb commented 7 years ago

Ah! Given that, I agree, putting the interpolation function into the same spot as the hints (as a separate comma-separated value) makes the most sense. To authors, it will feel like “here’s this new interstitial thing that gives me a lot of easing options” and that’s perfect. It also makes hard-stop gradients a lot easier to create, simply by putting in a step rather than having to string together a whole series of color pairs with stop distances that touch adjacent pairs.

Would there be utility in allowing both a <length-percentage> and an interpolation function, as a way of modifying the shape of the interpolation? Or too many curves being smooshed together that way?

AmeliaBR commented 7 years ago

Would there be utility in allowing both a and an interpolation function, as a way of modifying the shape of the interpolation? Or too many curves being smooshed together that way?

How are you imagining that would work? I think the math would get pretty hairy.

Authors can always break the gradient down into multiple stops if they really want more control.

meyerweb commented 7 years ago

I have no idea how that would work, to be honest. I brought it up mostly to see if the smarter and more math-oriented people on the thread (read: everyone) thought it would be useful.

larsenwork commented 7 years ago

If the goal is modifiable interpolations then instead of length-percentage together with interpolation function I'd vote for ability to use cubic-bezier and not just ease, ease-in, linear etc. — or that was maybe already the idea?

so something like:

linear-gradient(black, cubic-bezier(0.470, 0.000, 0.745, 0.715), white)

Not sure how that would work for numbers > 1 though.

AmeliaBR commented 7 years ago


If the syntax referenced the timing-function/transition function data type, then a cubic-bezier() function would automatically be included, as an alternative to the shorthand keywords.

tabatkins commented 7 years ago

If we added this, it would indeed extend the <linear-color-hint> grammar, so @larsenwork's example syntax (the timing function on its own, comma-separated from the two surrounding color-stops) is indeed how it would look.

This proposal overall sound interesting and is definitely potentially doable, but I'd like to see how far people can take just the mid-point approach first. None of the blogposts talking about smoothing gradients seem to acknowledge their existence (which is understandable, given that they're embedded deep in Images 4 right now). They should help things quite a bit.

larsenwork commented 7 years ago

@tabatkins I will try to do a proper stress test of the hint approach to see what it can render but I'm not too confident in what it will yield as the critical part of easing a gradient is having something with a terminal and/or final "velocity" of 0 which doesn't seem doable with hints. But I'll give it a go and also update the plugin with the proposed syntax here to see an approximation of what you could do if this syntax was supported

tabatkins commented 7 years ago

My concern is just whether the midpoint approach can give a decent-looking "soft fade", not whether it can reproduce any particular mathematical definition. It appears to be good enough for Photoshop, so I'm curious to see example of it not being good enough for CSS.

larsenwork commented 7 years ago

I've quickly updated the playground to support the syntax proposed by @AmeliaBR e.g.

linear-gradient(black, cubic-bezier(0.48, 0.30, 0.64, 1.00), transparent)

NB - the plugin has some limits for now:


@tabatkins I haven't been able to easily recreate the curve in the example with hints (but again I'm not too familiar with the approach). Basically I wanted a gradient that faded out nicely but also had a modified s-shape to avoid being too dark in top. Creating an asymmetrical s-shape like that with cubic-bezier() is much more intuitive than trying to balance out three color-stops with two hints even if it's possible to get something visually similar that way (I wasn't). I've never been satisfied with the gradient options in Photoshop and know designers who either stack gradients, use gaussian blur or other "hacks" to create visually pleasing gradients.

bradkemper commented 7 years ago

Do we need the timing function for each stop, or could there just be one that applied to the entire gradient? Intermediate stops would just get interpolated.

larsenwork commented 7 years ago

Created another demo. This one doesn't show why we'd want this compared to hints in terms of "soft-fades" (see the previous one for that) but I've added support for steps() which I also find quite useful. https://codepen.io/larsenwork/pen/LymMJy/?editors=0100

EDIT: Removed sidenote about steps — see #1371

AmeliaBR commented 7 years ago


Symmetrical step functions are currently being called frames(). But that is being debated in #1301 .

Your fourth example matches frames(4): four equally-allocated values, including both the start and end values. Your third example doesn't match any existing timing function.

larsenwork commented 7 years ago

@AmeliaBR cheers, I'll crop it out of this discussion to keep it on track then :) @bradkemper we want to add it between stops — see https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1332#issuecomment-299990698 and https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1332#issuecomment-300246439 for details. Maybe @meyerweb can update the first comment so that newcomers can quickly see what the request is :)

meyerweb commented 7 years ago

@bradkemper: I can envision wanting a single easing over an entire gradient of un-positioned stops, like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, ease-out but I don’t see how that can be done while also allowing for different easings between the various stops, like red, ease-out, orange, ease-in, yellow, linear, green….

tabatkins commented 7 years ago

"Single timing function crossing all the stops" is not how animations work right now; when you supply an animation-timing-function, it just sets the default for all the keyframes' individual timing functions.

If you don't supply a hint between two stops (midpoint or timing-function), you'll just get a linear transition like you do today.

birtles commented 7 years ago

Note that Web Animations lets you apply a single timing function crossing all the stops (keyframes) as well as timing functions between stops (keyframes). It's a very commonly requested feature so I suspect we'll end up adding some sort of "overall" timing function to CSS Animations Level 2 as well.

bradkemper commented 7 years ago

OK, yeah, I was thinking of simpler gradations, but I can certainly see the need for easing in and out in different parts of the same one.

larsenwork commented 6 years ago

FWIW I've created an easing-gradient editor https://larsenwork.com/easing-gradients/#editor so people can play around with it to see the possibilities/flexibility easing functions provides.

The end result has some banding because that's how I can currently fake it but I'd imagine native browser support resulting in silky smooth gradients.

I'll add steps() functionality to the editor soon too — probably with a syntax like this https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1680#issuecomment-361550637 for now.

Juribiyan commented 6 years ago

Seems like a good case to implement this with Houdini

annejan commented 5 years ago

I always thought that easing functions specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.

Since these do not seem to have a time element, is easing the correct name I wonder? I think this might cause unnecessary confusion, since it starts with having a timing-function without any time related axis . .

svgeesus commented 5 years ago


Since these do not seem to have a time element, is easing the correct name I wonder?

Time doesn't appear in the actual syntax though.

linear-gradient(black, cubic-bezier(0.470, 0.000, 0.745, 0.715), white)

As people are already familiar with easing functions from CSS Animation, they should find it easy to apply the same concept here. Yes, it is a function wrt distance along the gradient, not wrt time. But the 2D graphs of the functions, and tutorials & tools that let you design these visually, will be similar enough that people will, I believe, find the analogous behavior more of a help than a hindrance.


I'd like to see how far people can take just the mid-point approach first.

In theory, a cubic bezier smoothing function between stops S1 and S2 can be closely approximated with mid-points as follows:

  1. Calculate a new color stop S3 corresponding to the inflexion point of the bezier. The stops are now S1 S3 S2
  2. Calculate a mid point for S1 to S3, giving the first half of the bezier
  3. Calculate a mid point for S3 to S2, giving the second half of the bezier
  4. Adjust the values from steps 2. and 3. until the rate of change of slope at the inflexion point is the same on both halves (second order curve continuity).

So, if they are familiar enough with the math, content creators can do the work. The same argument can be used for why mid points are not needed - just simply add four to seven additional calculated intermediate stops to approximate the result by curve tessellation.

The benefit of the proposed syntax, in both cases, is that it is simpler, more intuitive, and avoids doing some side calculations, and avoids having extra WET color stops whose value depends in complex ways on the value of other stops, and means that animating the color stops is simpler and easier (because animating the extra, derived color stops so as to maintain the curve shape is a pain in the ass).

In other words, far more content developers will be able to use it, and get the results they expect, and their CSS will be shorter, DRY, more readable, and more maintainable.

birtles commented 5 years ago

All the necessary productions have been renamed to <easing-function> etc. now. Even the spec is now the CSS Easing Functions spec so there shouldn't be any need to refer to timing anymore.

We've also added the extra steps/jump keywords--jump-both in particular, was mostly useful for gradients I believe.

tabatkins commented 5 years ago

@svgeesus You skipped over the "It appears to be good enough for Photoshop" part of my quote. I'm definitely not against easing functions from a theoretical point of view! But the mid-point based approach does appear to work fine for existing Photoshop content, or at least did back when I made that comment. Has the situation changed?

I could also believe that Photoshop's interface makes it easier to guess-and-check gradient-midpoints and generate new ones, such that CSS aping the functionality is missing the usability. Is this the case?

The issue really is one of need. Do midpoints provide sufficient ability to do a "soft fade" gradient, or do authors need more power to achieve their goals? And would <easing-function> solve those goals well? So far I haven't seen an argument from an actual need.

(Note that the original post made no mention of midpoints, because the proposal was buried in Images 4. (Still is, as it turns out, even tho the next month we resolved to move it to level 3. ^_^) The thread kinda skipped over mention of midpoints to focus on discussing adding easing functions, so it's unclear whether midpoints serve @meyerweb's needs sufficiently.)

tabatkins commented 5 years ago

One particular example I would see as relevant is the fact that the midpoint-based interpolation is not symmetric around the center point. That is, a gradient like linear-gradient(blue, 10%, white, 90%, blue) does not have the first and second halves look like mirror images of each other. Using cubic-bezier(), on the other hand, would let you produce symmetrical results fairly easily.

(The best way to make a symmetrical gradient with midpoints is to make two gradients, each half-size, and pointing in opposite directions. That's annoying, obviously.)

meyerweb commented 5 years ago

On the subject of mathing out midpoints versus easings, I created (with a huge assist from Tab, who quickly wrote the JS it’d have taken me forever to puzzle out) a couple of demonstrations of how midpoints compare to cubic-bezier easing.

The first compares simple one-way easings to closely-equivalent midpoint gradients:


To be clear, the midpoint gradients are not mathematically equivalent to the eased gradients. They’re visually very close, and probably quite close in terms of the raw color values, but they’re not in 1:1 correspondence.

The second compares symmetric gradients with midpoints versus easing:


Again, the two approaches yield very similar results because of all the color-stop and midpoint fiddling I did, but they are not 1:1 equivalent. And I’m not about to claim my color-stop/midpoint versions are the most efficient or mathematically best approaches. I did what any author would do, if they were sufficiently motivated to do this at all: I set some stops and manually tweaked midpoints until I got a close match.

danburzo commented 5 years ago

Just wanted to chip in that the syntax where easing functions are defined, like interpolation hints, as individual items in the color stop list makes a lot of sense to me, and it extends hints intuitively. In fact, by defining the hint function as:

function midpoint(H) {
  // return an easing function for t ∈ [0, 1]
  return t => 
    H <= 0 ? 1 : 
    H >= 1 ? 0 : 
    Math.pow(P, Math.log(0.5) / Math.log(H));

(where H is the midpoint projected to the [0, 1] interval between its adjacent color stops, and with adjustments for H = 0 and H = 1), I was able to trivially replace that function with any easing function, allowing things like:

linear-gradient: (to right, red, green, midpoint(0.5), blue)
linear-gradient: (to right, red, green, ease-in-out, blue)

One thing that trips me up with the current midpoint syntax is that midpoints shift the color stops. By defining this hypothetical function midpoint() that takes an argument from 0 to 1, we decouple the midpoint from position computation.

Update: I tried to build a stronger case for the midpoint easing function in #3935

LeaVerou commented 4 years ago

Seems like a good case to implement this with Houdini

Given the way the Houdini Paint API works right now, that would require re-implementing the entire gradient parsing and painting logic in canvas. It would be a HUGE library, but a relatively minor built-in feature.

proimage commented 4 years ago

@bradkemper: I can envision wanting a single easing over an entire gradient of un-positioned stops, like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, ease-out but I don’t see how that can be done while also allowing for different easings between the various stops, like red, ease-out, orange, ease-in, yellow, linear, green….

Perhaps something like linear-gradient(ease-in-out to bottom, red, white, blue) ? Would be equivalent of linear-gradient(to bottom, red, ease-in-out, white, ease-in-out, blue)

Bryce-MW commented 3 years ago

Sorry if anyone saw my comment on a different thing. I commented in the wrong place before and I apologize for any confusion about that. I've been looking at a number of threads to try and understand where this proposal is at.

If I'm right, this is the proposal to add syntax like linear-gradient(red, ease-in-out, blue) to allow gradients that look in many cases a lot better (there are other concerns with gradients but this is a good start).

Anyway, it looks like this kind of thing was never implemented. I'm wondering where the process got stuck. Is implementation something that can be done at this point or is there more standards work required. Is this already in the spec or does there need to be a draft or something. I'm new to this whole process so I apologize if I've made a mistake somewhere. But I would love to improve gradients a bit. If it was at the point where I could go and contribute to Chromium or FireFox or something like that to add this feature, that would be ideal.

As an aside, I saw that #4754 was closed as a duplicate of this but it's actually not! It's something to think about later but I'll clarify the difference. With this proposal the line through color space will still be linear whereas I think that #4754 is proposing an arbitrary line through color space. It's hard to explain with words so here is a picture. (Image from this discussion)


The middle image is what the line through color space will look like even with this proposal. All this proposal does is allow you to change the rate that you traverse the line from contant to something that accelerates and decelerates.

Photoshop can kind of smooth out that line as seen in the top image. It's unclear if that also changes the rate at which the line is traversed like this proposal does.

The bottom is a smooth curve through color space which is what #4754 seems to be proposing.

This is part of why these discussions are difficult. It seems like it is very often that not everyone knows exactly what is being proposed since there are three things that are linear about a linear gradient. Luckily, this discussion appears to have everyone on the same page and in agreement that this is a good idea to implement. Which is why I am confused why no one has done anything with it.

proimage commented 3 years ago

It seems like it is very often that not everyone knows exactly what is being proposed since there are three things that are linear about a linear gradient.

That's confused me a number of times, where I wanted to propose a simple ease-gradient([direction & color stops]) syntax. Then my brain kept on kicking back into gear to remind me that the "linear" in linear-gradient() purely refers to the visual shape/direction of the gradient, not how it transitions from color stop to color stop. We can know this because the other existing gradient syntaxes are repeating-linear-gradient(), radial-gradient(), repeating-radial-gradient(), and the ever-elusive conic-gradient()—all of which describe the shape/direction of the gradient. :)

danburzo commented 3 years ago

Some notes on @Bryce-MW's comment above.

As an aside, I saw that #4754 was closed as a duplicate of this but it's actually not!

The comment in question asks for adding some facility for non-linear interpolation on each segment, which the syntax for adding easing between two color stops allows, with cubic-bezier() being a particularly expressive one.

With this proposal the line through color space will still be linear whereas I think that #4754 is proposing an arbitrary line through color space.

What makes a particular interpolation between colors straight or a curve in RGB space is whether the change happens at the same rate on all three dimensions (R, G, and B) identically. The easing function discussed in this proposal applies to each channel identically, thus it produces straight lines between colors.

The thing about spline interpolation (the graphs you see in the first and third row in the attached image) is to produce these "easings" between adjacent colors while taking the bigger picture into account, so that the values match up at the seams. The result can still be decomposed in terms of a series of piecewise easings, but these easings are different for each channel (R, G, B) and thus produce a curve (more or less smooth) rather than a series of straight segments.

A graphical tool could users let serialize spline-interpolated gradients into a CSS syntax as long as you could have separate cubic-bezier() functions per channel, e.g.:

  cubic-bezier(...) / cubic-bezier(...) / cubic-bezier(...), /* red / green / blue */
  cubic-bezier(...) / cubic-bezier(...) / cubic-bezier(...), /* red / green / blue */ 

...but this kind of syntax would be ridiculous to manage by hand, and automatic generation has other tools at its disposal (i.e. generate a large enough number of color stops so that basic linear interpolation does the trick, se for example @larsenwork's gradient editor)

danburzo commented 3 years ago

Something I've recently run into: what should happen when the easing function produces values outside the [0, 1] range? Here's an example:

linear-gradient(red, green, cubic-bezier(.25,-0.25,.75,1.25), blue);

When we reach the green-blue segment, the cubic-bezier(.25,-0.25,.75,1.25) easing has regions of overshoot at both ends of the segment. What color are those regions?

A. Always extrapolate easing values outside [0, 1] solely based on the two participating colors in the current segment? B. Prefer reaching to adjacent segments, e.g. interpolate(green, blue, -0.5) picks up the red from the previous segment, and only extrapolate if that's not possible?

An alternative to extrapolation is clamping to the color values at the edges of the segment to avoid weird overshoots.

tabatkins commented 3 years ago

Nothing wrong with extrapolation; it's simply what happens when you extend the interpolation math. I don't see any reason why we wouldn't do that.

I wouldn't extend into neighboring segments, because it's not clear how to map distances cross-segment.

Bryce-MW commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the comments. I did not think about how you could make a non-linear curve through colour space by using separate non-linear interpolation on each colour channel. From what I have read about this online, it seems that these two concepts are referred to separately when they are actually the same as you have shown. It certainly taught me something new! I do agree that writing the separate curves for each channel is probably not the best syntax.

The gradient editor that you linked is very good and what got me interested in this in the first place. It doesn't support a truly arbitrary curve through colour space but does support straight and circular lines through multiple colour spaces including L*a*b* which this proposal does not support. I think that if we want those options, we will have to wait a while until alternate colour spaces are supported in browsers outside Safari (and even Safari seems to only have limited support).

As for extrapolation, I think we should try to extrapolate in the way that you described as option A where possible. The issue is what to do when the colour does not exist or goes out of the gamut. I think the best option is to just choose the closest colour that is available similar to the relative colorimetric rendering intent.

If you want to do something different, it should be possible (though perhaps only reasonable for a tool) to add additional segments and set the exact cubic-bezier that you want.

As a personal update: I'm still not totally sure what the actual status is on this proposal (i.e. what the next step is). I have tried looking into adding this feature to browsers directly. It seems to me that modern browsers are so complex that I can't figure out where the code is that actually deals with gradients. I'm mostly used to working on small projects. I looked at Chromium and Firefox but maybe I should look at something like Servo for a proof of concept before trying to implement it in a full browser.

proimage commented 3 years ago

It seems like everyone wants so much from background gradients that perhaps the time has come to break it out from the confines of background-image, into its own set of background-gradient-____ CSS rules. Something like this, perhaps:

background-gradient-direction: [to top / 45deg / etc];
background-gradient-shape: [linear / circular / conic / hexagonal / yermom ];
background-gradient-color-stops: #bada55 45%, rebeccapurple 83%;
background-gradient-easing: [linear / ease / etc];
// etc...
LeaVerou commented 3 years ago

I agree with Tab that it should extrapolate colors rather than extend into neighboring segments. That way, it retains the property that interpolating between A and B only depends on A and B (and parameters like easing function) and not the context. Also, this keeps it consistent with any other interpolation between colors (e.g. in transitions).

@proimage That wouldn't work for a number of reasons:

  1. There can be multiple background images, and it's unclear how to extend this syntax to accommodate for that usably.
  2. CSS images (of which gradients are only one special case) are not only accepted in backgrounds, but a number of other properties (border-image, masks, cursor, list-style-image to name a few).