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CSS Working Group Editor Drafts
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[meta] Pending pull requests #5314

Open svgeesus opened 4 years ago

svgeesus commented 4 years ago

CSSWG Editors, please remember to check open pull requests and either approve them, request changes, or refuse them (ideally with a reason).

Ageing pull requests accumulate conflicts with the head, and are harder to merge after a lengthy delay.

If a PR has poor changes, close it.

If a PR suggests changes that expose some flaw in the spec, but you want discussion first, open an issue and then close the PR.

frivoal commented 4 years ago

I've closed/merge a few, but many remain. To help triage the rest, I've made sure all open PRs are labeled with the right spec.

css-meeting-bot commented 4 years ago

The CSS Working Group just discussed [meta] Pending pull requests.

The full IRC log of that discussion <dael> Topic: [meta] Pending pull requests
<dael> github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5314
<dael> chris: Reminder, lots of PRs that are old. As long as they languish the older they get
<dael> chris: You can reject if you don't like, but please keep on top of it
<dael> chris: Quick reminder
<dael> plinss: We have 5 additional brances in main repo with 5 PRs. 4 have PRs open with 1-3 years old. Please review and handle. Then please don't branch from main.
<dael> florian: Can we kill the one without a PR?
<dael> plinss: It's from TabAtkins
<dael> TabAtkins: Okay, will take care of it
dbaron commented 4 years ago

There are also open pull requests in fxtf-drafts and in css-houdini-drafts.

SebastianZ commented 10 months ago

Quick reminder, we still have a lot of open PRs. We should try to merge or close them.
