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CSS Working Group Editor Drafts
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[mediaqueries-5] prefers-noruby #7024

Open NagayamaToshiaki opened 2 years ago

NagayamaToshiaki commented 2 years ago

The <rt> element is often rendered as small letters, so sometimes it's hard to see the text. Hence there might be someone who wants ruby text to display larger text next to the rubied sentence with parenthesis.

So let me declare the prefers-noruby media query. With this, the contents inside <ruby> element is rendered as if those elements are normal contents.

fantasai commented 2 years ago

@NagayamaToshiaki I think this could be easily done as a browser preference or extension, I don't think it requires a media query.

tabatkins commented 2 years ago

Yes, this is one of those things where the UA should be able to handle things generically, so there's no need to ask site authors to adapt their site manually.