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[css-color-4] Disagreements over gamut mapping #7610

Open sesse opened 2 years ago

sesse commented 2 years ago

There's been some discussions around gamut mapping: https://csswg.sesse.net/css-color-4/#css-gamut-mapping

The questions in point are:

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

Is §13.2 normative? There have been discussions about the use of the phrasing “This CSS gamut mapping algorithm” versus “The CSS gamut mapping algorithm”, and the non-normative marker on §13.1 (does it extend to all of §13?).

13.1 is, as stated, a non-normative introduction to the topic. 13.2 is normative.

This CSS gamut mapping algorithm

Thanks for pointing out the possible ambiguity, I agree that The would be better.

Must out-of-gamut colors be mapped, using that specific algorithm, on both conversion-to-HSL and for display, to be compliant with CSS Color Level 4?

Yes. HSL (and HWB) are unable to represent out-or-sRGB-gamut colors.

What, if anything, should be done with out-of-gamut colors in images and videos? Do we risk that using the same color in e.g. CSS and on an image mapped to different colors on the users' screens, and is that okay?

"If anything"? Colors which are out of the display device gamut cannot be displayed (by definition).

Gamut mapping for images (and video) has different constraints to solid colors, such as preservation of image detail. For photographic images, a perceptual rendering intent should preserve most of the overall image appearance but may change in-gamut colors. For non-photographic images such as charts and diagrams, a relative colorimetric intent will give more similar results to the CSS GMA (but not identical, because the ICC code path will be using CIE Lab as the gamut mapping space). Yes, that means that out of screen gamut colors may map differently in images and in CSS, particularly wildly OOG colors such as those outside the spectral locus. These are much less likely in photographic images but can occur in synthetic images. It isn't desirable but there isn't a better option because relative colorimetric handling of photographic imagery gives terrible results.

What about HDR images and video; are those subject to the same rules, different rules, or undefined?

The same "this is a different code path" rules i.e. not the same as CSS. In addition to the GMA there will also be tone mapping, unless the display has the same peak white as the mastering display. All of that is generally a black box, especially for HDR video.

sesse commented 2 years ago

Yes. HSL (and HWB) are unable to represent out-or-sRGB-gamut colors.

Sure, but for display, does the spec require this specific algorithm and not e.g. just clipping each color component to [0,1]?

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

Suppose a page specifies the color "color(display-p3 1 0 0)", and then has an image element with an image in Display P3 color space, with pixel value (1, 0, 0). Should those two colors be identical when displayed on-screen?

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

Similarly to the above, what if both CSS and a 2D canvas use the color "color(display-p3 1 0 0)"? What about a WebGL canvas that writes a pixel value (1, 0, 0) and has specified its color space to be "display-p3".

I believe that it is a goal to allow color matching between CSS, images, and canvases (ideally video, too, but there is longstanding historical divergence in interpretations of rec601 and rec709 -- something for another discussion -- I'd love to resolve that, maybe WebCodecs will let us).

In order to guarantee color matching between CSS and images, it is necessary that the same processing be applied to pixels coming from CSS and pixels coming from images. This precludes a scheme of "apply gamut mapping to just CSS colors and not (necessarily) images".

This can be fixed by gamut mapping images and canvases. That, however, comes at a significant performance cost. For CSS colors, there are lots of places in the pipeline to allow injection of various transforms at very little (or no) extra cost. For canvas elements, they are often handed directly to the display controller, which has only fixed-function hardware for color management, and is incapable of performing gamut mapping. The hardware is evolving, and there is a big push to support per-plane 3D LUTs (which would allow hardware tone mapping and hardware gamut mapping), but I'm not sure they exist in shipping devices (let alone are universal).

If we were to require gamut mapping for canvases, it would mean that no canvas that can express any color value outside of the gamut of the display can be represented as a hardware overlay. That would be catastrophic for battery life, especially on mobile devices. (There's almost no limit to the work that we will do to keep a buffer in a hardware overlay plane).

This line of reasoning leads me to the position that gamut mapping should be put as the responsibility of the underlying operating system, display controller, and even display device(!). For the next few years (until display controllers all have 3D LUTs, completing yet another turn of the wheel of reincarnation), this will mean that out-of-gamut colors may not look as good as they could on some devices. Content authors for whom this is a matter of grave concern may use the media queries (or the exact query of primaries, which is part of the HDR canvas proposal), to ensure they do not serve content outside of the gamut of the target device.

sesse commented 2 years ago

Cc-ing @weinig, since he seems to have done the work on gamut mapping in WebKit.

FWIW, I don't think “someone makes a DCI-P3 canvas or WebGL context on an sRGB device” is a use case that should be driving for our general color decisions. It seems very niche compared to the amount of pages that simply use CSS colors and regular images (or sRGB canvases). And AIUI, “colors won't look good on some devices” essentially means “on every non-Apple device in existence” for at least the next couple of years…

foolip commented 2 years ago

@weinig might you be able to summarize the "architecture" of color handling in Safari?

From testing in Safari Technology Preview 151 it's clear that something has changed from the previous behavior of clamping each component separately. One of the test cases that @sesse used was color(srgb 2 0 0) which in Safari stable clamps to color(srgb 1 0 0) in computed style, but in STP remains as color(srgb 2 0 0) and renders as something close to color(display-p3 0.9992 0.4399 0.3215) according to Web Inspector's color picker.

It would be great to understand a bit about where in the pipeline such mapping happens, and whether it only applies to out-of-gamut cases like color(srgb 2 0 0), or if something similar would also happen when color(display-p3 1 0 0) is to be displayed on an RGB monitor?

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

Bear in mind that the color (srgb 2 0 0) is not just out-of-gamut, but also has a luminance that is out of the SDR luminance range. That's likely the reason why it is being bent towards white.

foolip commented 2 years ago

@ccameron-chromium good point, it's also worth testing somewhere where luminance is in SDR range. I think color(srgb 1.05 0 0) is such an example, which STP renders as color(display-p3 0.9639 0.2133 0.1489). I'm not sure what to conclude from this, except that it's not merely clamping to RGB red, as Safari stable did.

facelessuser commented 2 years ago

good point, it's also worth testing somewhere where luminance is in SDR range. I think color(srgb 1.05 0 0) is such an example, which STP renders as color(display-p3 0.9639 0.2133 0.1489). I'm not sure what to conclude from this, except that it's not merely clamping to RGB red, as Safari stable did.

It's not clamping to sRGB Red, it is clamping in the Display P3 color space. It isn't doing any fancy gamut mapping, just simple clipping in Display P3, as most new Macs have Display P3 monitors. Safari, due to its "color management" then works in Display P3. I guess this is new behavior between stable and STP. That's all that happening.

>>> Color('color(srgb 1.05 0 0)').convert('display-p3').clip()
color(display-p3 0.96358 0.21239 0.14773 / 1)

As far as I can tell, Safari doesn't do anything but simple clipping currently. On Display P3 systems, it will clip to the Display P3 color space, and on sRGB systems, it will clip to sRGB. We can see this by using color(srgb 2 0 0).

>>> Color('color(srgb 2 0 0)').convert('display-p3').clip()
color(display-p3 1 0.44226 0.32203 / 1)

If it was doing gamut mapping as described in the CSS spec, the results would probably be white as the color would be beyond the luminance of Display P3. The CSS spec currently recommends gamut mapping in Oklch, so if we look at the slice of Oklch in which gamut mapping would occur, limiting the gamut to Display P3, we can see why it would go to white.


>>> Color('color(srgb 2 0 0)').convert('display-p3').fit(method='oklch-chroma')
color(display-p3 1 1 1 / 1)

EDIT: I don't have anything to do with Safari, and this is all just based on simple observation. I don't know if they have more advanced gamut mapping planned or not.

sesse commented 2 years ago

When I tested something like color(srgb 10 0 0) in Safari TP, it would go towards a very pale yellow on the internal Display-P3 screen. This is incompatible with the notion of a simple clipping in DCI-P3 space.

facelessuser commented 2 years ago

That is not what I see at all in Safari TP, I get white on my Display P3 monitor. Unless there is some other special feature you have enabled that I don't.

This makes sense as color(srgb 10 0 0) is so far out in the land of imaginary colors (past the spectral locus) that all components exceed 1 and it just gets clipped to white. Even gamut mapping will leave you with just white. You can try it here.

sesse commented 2 years ago

But that is, indeed, incompatible with the theory that it's just clipping each component in display-p3.

Anyway, let's wait for the people who actually implemented this to chime in?

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

In order to guarantee color matching between CSS and images, it is necessary that the same processing be applied to pixels coming from CSS and pixels coming from images. This precludes a scheme of "apply gamut mapping to just CSS colors and not (necessarily) images".

Feel free to test that out with some photographic images (you will need to override the rendering intent in the ICC profile, which will likely be set to perceptual).

Wanting solid colors and images to gamut map the same is a great goal, and sounds reasonable until one looks into what is currently done for gamut mapping images.

For an in-depth overview, I recommend Color Gamut Mapping by Ján Morovič

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

“colors won't look good on some devices” essentially means “on every non-Apple device in existence” for at least the next couple of years…

Yes but to clarify: there are plenty of non-Apple devices (laptops, tablets, phones) with WCG (P3-ish or Adobe RGB-ish) screens. It is not the hardware that is lacking, but WebKit browsers being confined to Apple hardware, and non-WebKit browsers being confined to sRGB.

facelessuser commented 2 years ago

But that is, indeed, incompatible with the theory that it's just clipping each component in display-p3.

It's not really a theory, and I'm not following the above statement as getting white in TP in this scenario shows this exactly, along with the other conversions I was able to replicate with simple clipping. I've actually looked into this extensively in the past.

Anyway, let's wait for the people who actually implemented this to chime in?

That's fine :shrug:. Just thought I'd try and save you some time.

facelessuser commented 2 years ago

I should probably state that everything I've said only applies to colors, not images and such. I've done no comparisons as to what any browser does with images or videos.

facelessuser commented 2 years ago

One other clarification, my statements are also based on the idea that a Display P3 monitor is using a Display P3 color profile. If you were using a different color profile for your monitor, your color results will be different. You can actually try this out and see the differences.

weinig commented 2 years ago

@weinig might you be able to summarize the "architecture" of color handling in Safari?

Not sure I can comprehensively summarize the architecture of color handling in WebKit in a succinct manner, but I can explain what our current behavior and longer term intentions are with out-of-gamut colors.

Currently, WebKit keeps colors in their described form (so, for instance, color(srgb 2 0 0) keeps the 2) up until use time, so that means the computed values should show the same out of gamut values. Then at use time, we paint into a context and allow the platform to perform its default gamut mapping.

A change we plan to make is that instead of using the platform specific gamut mapping, we are going to use the CSS Gamut mapping algorithm (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-4/#css-gamut-mapping). We are still trying to determine whether it makes sense to gamut map to the exact color space of the underlying context (usually the color space of the display) or to instead pick a color space based on the gamut matched by the color-gamut media query. So for instance, for a color used on a display with a gamut at least as big as Display-P3, we would use the CSS Gamut mapping algorithm to map to Display-P3. I think the first approach (mapping using the CSS Gamut mapping algorithm to the display's color space) would be preferred, as that would more closely match images, but it has some drawbacks due to not being consistent across machines.

weinig commented 2 years ago

I should also add that we already apply the CSS Gamut mapping algorithm in WebKit in at least one script observable place (the ones in the previous comment are not), by using the color-mix function with the hwb or hsl color interpolation method.

For example, if you have:

color-mix(in hsl, color(srgb 2 0 0) 50%, color(srgb 0 0 2) 50%)

We first gamut map the two inputs into the sRBG gamut, and then mix them. This is specified here: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-5/#color-mix-result

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

I want to get back to the color matching issue, and take the image part out of the equation.

Consider the following 3 pieces of web content:

Should these appear the same when displayed on a device that has a gamut that is, say, halfway between sRGB and P3? If not, why not?

If a content author wants to display something that part-div, part-2D-canvas, and part-WebGL, should it be possible for the author to color-match between these elements, so that there are no seams in their content, or not?

foolip commented 2 years ago

Thanks you @weinig, that's very helpful! You mention that computed values are unchanged, and there's a bit of https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-4/#color-function that I'd like your take on:

An out of gamut color has component values less than 0 or 0%, or greater than 1 or 100%. These are not invalid; instead, for display, they are css gamut mapped using a relative colorimetric intent which brings the values within the range 0/0% to 1/100% at computed-value time.

Following the spec on this point would make the result of gamut mapping visible via getComputedStyle(element). Do you think the spec should change on this point?

foolip commented 2 years ago

@ccameron-chromium my 2c is that making those the 3 cases display the same color is important, and hopefully there is a solution that preserves this in most or all situations. I think gamut mapping to match the actual display is the "risky" operation here, if that's done for color(display-p3 1 0 0) before painting the div that would lead to a mismatch between that div and the 2D canvas.

To me this suggests that gamut mapping to match the actual display should happen late in the pipeline, unobservable to web contents, including when reading back pixels from a canvas.

It's still necessary to do something with color(srgb 2 0 0) whether that ends up painted to an sRGB or P3 buffer, and the color matching goal doesn't tell us what that something is, I think?

sesse commented 2 years ago

We are still trying to determine whether it makes sense to gamut map to the exact color space of the underlying context (usually the color space of the display) or to instead pick a color space based on the gamut matched by the color-gamut media query. So for instance, for a color used on a display with a gamut at least as big as Display-P3, we would use the CSS Gamut mapping algorithm to map to Display-P3. I think the first approach (mapping using the CSS Gamut mapping algorithm to the display's color space) would be preferred, as that would more closely match images, but it has some drawbacks due to not being consistent across machines.

Would this be script-visible, or just for display?

If it's script-visible, it would sound better to map to the “ideal” space (sRGB or DCI-P3), so that you get consistent results from machine to machine (less confusing, easier to test in WPT, less fingerprint risk). If it's only about display, I may have (weak) opinions but I think it's out-of-scope for the spec, and probably subtle enough that either way is fine.

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

In addition to @svgeesus' points, there are different performance allowances to gamut mapping the relatively few CSS colors defined in stylesheets (even with interpolation) compared to gamut mapping every pixel on an image or video. For CSS colors, we can afford to prioritize getting a better color even if that's not realistic for perf reasons for images or videos.

There's been some discussions around gamut mapping: csswg.sesse.net/css-color-4/#css-gamut-mapping

Is there a reason you are linking to your own version of the spec? At first I thought it was done to include commentary as annotations but I don't see any (unless I missed it).

sesse commented 2 years ago

Is there a reason you are linking to your own version of the spec? At first I thought it was done to include commentary as annotations but I don't see any (unless I missed it).

drafts.csswg.org was down. It's a pure mirror (updated every night from GitHub).

weinig commented 2 years ago

Thanks you @weinig, that's very helpful! You mention that computed values are unchanged, and there's a bit of https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-4/#color-function that I'd like your take on:

An out of gamut color has component values less than 0 or 0%, or greater than 1 or 100%. These are not invalid; instead, for display, they are css gamut mapped using a relative colorimetric intent which brings the values within the range 0/0% to 1/100% at computed-value time.

Following the spec on this point would make the result of gamut mapping visible via getComputedStyle(element). Do you think the spec should change on this point?

Oh, very interesting. I don't believe that was in the spec when I was last working on this (I made an intentional change to match the spec and to not clamp around a year ago if I remember correctly), so thank you for bringing this to my attention.

@svgeesus @LeaVerou, what was the driving motivation behind this change? To me, it has some unfortunate downsides, and I am not clear what you gain from it over the (or perhaps just my) previous interpretation which was that out-of-gamut colors would be preserved all the way to use time. (the benefits being that values round trip cleanly and that you can use things like out of gamut color(srgb ...) to express things like Display-P3 colors, which is a common practice in Apple's graphics stack these days).

Ultimately, if the spec authors think this behavior is preferable, this is an easy thing for us to implement (we used to do a clamping gamut mapping here after all, I could just plug in the CSS Gamut Mapping algorithm instead) and I will be happy to.

One thing to consider, once the use cases are better understood, is whether it makes sense to have both variants, bounded and extended. In Apple's graphics stack, we have both for all RGB like color spaces, kCGColorSpaceSRGB which is bounded and kCGColorSpaceExtendedSRGB which is unbounded (actually, there are four, bounded and gamma encoded, bounded and linear, extended and gamma encoded, extended and linear, and I have expressed some interest in the past in considering how we might be able to provide ways to express all of these in CSS, for instance color(srgb-bounded ...), color(srgb-bounded-linear ...), color(srgb ...), color(srgb-linear ...)).

weinig commented 2 years ago

We are still trying to determine whether it makes sense to gamut map to the exact color space of the underlying context (usually the color space of the display) or to instead pick a color space based on the gamut matched by the color-gamut media query. So for instance, for a color used on a display with a gamut at least as big as Display-P3, we would use the CSS Gamut mapping algorithm to map to Display-P3. I think the first approach (mapping using the CSS Gamut mapping algorithm to the display's color space) would be preferred, as that would more closely match images, but it has some drawbacks due to not being consistent across machines.

Would this be script-visible, or just for display?

If it's script-visible, it would sound better to map to the “ideal” space (sRGB or DCI-P3), so that you get consistent results from machine to machine (less confusing, easier to test in WPT, less fingerprint risk). If it's only about display, I may have (weak) opinions but I think it's out-of-scope for the spec, and probably subtle enough that either way is fine.

The intention is for it to not be script visible, as this would, as you note, would allow using the display's color space. There are few places where getting the actual color space of the display is challenging from the engine (though not insurmountable), so I think having the guarantee be a little looser and match the color-gamut media query would be be preferable. Ultimately, I don't think authors relying on colors outside the gamut that the color-gamut media query resolves to is all that useful a thing for authors (e.g. how important that on a display that has a gamut between P3 and Rec2020, out of P3 gamut colors get fully realized?) to do, but I could be convinced otherwise by compelling use cases.

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

Following the spec on this point would make the result of gamut mapping visible via getComputedStyle(element). Do you think the spec should change on this point?

Oh, very interesting. I don't believe that was in the spec when I was last working on this (I made an intentional change to match the spec and to not clamp around a year ago if I remember correctly), so thank you for bringing this to my attention.

@svgeesus @LeaVerou, what was the driving motivation behind this change? To me, it has some unfortunate downsides, and I am not clear what you gain from it over the (or perhaps just my) previous interpretation which was that out-of-gamut colors would be preserved all the way to use time.

My recollection is that CSSWG went back and forth on this, between computed value time and used value time; and the main driver was handling system colors in forced color mode, and handling currentColor.

I think that mapping to the display gamut should be as late as possible, so that out of gamut values like rgb(100% 100% -34.627%) (which is color(display-p3 1 1 0)) round-trip cleanly, preserving author intent.

I would need to dig into the commit history to see when that was changed and in response to what issue, but from memory it was to do with handling system colors.

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

drafts.csswg.org was down. It's a pure mirror (updated every night from GitHub).

It is very useful to have a reliable mirror, thanks for that!

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

Ultimately, I don't think authors relying on colors outside the gamut that the color-gamut media query resolves to is all that useful a thing for authors (e.g. how important that on a display that has a gamut between P3 and Rec2020, out of P3 gamut colors get fully realized?)

We will see this increasingly, as video content creators extend beyond DCI-P3 as a mastering volume and consumer displays (mainly TVs, to start) push beyond P3. The actual content is delivered in a BT.2020 or BT.2100 container, but does not use the fulll 2020 gamut. And displays will not go all the way to full 2020 for some time, because of the issues of luminous efficiency, speckle, and strong observer metamerism for genuinely single-wavelength display primaries.

weinig commented 2 years ago

Ultimately, I don't think authors relying on colors outside the gamut that the color-gamut media query resolves to is all that useful a thing for authors (e.g. how important that on a display that has a gamut between P3 and Rec2020, out of P3 gamut colors get fully realized?)

We will see this increasingly, as video content creators extend beyond DCI-P3 as a mastering volume and consumer displays (mainly TVs, to start) push beyond P3. The actual content is delivered in a BT.2020 or BT.2100 container, but does not use the fulll 2020 gamut. And displays will not go all the way to full 2020 for some time, because of the issues of luminous efficiency, speckle, and strong observer metamerism for genuinely single-wavelength display primaries.

Hi @svgeesus, I was trying to limit the thought experiment to CSS color's as used by authors. Given we don't expect images video to use the same gamut mapping, being able to rely on them to match author specified colors out side of the gamut seems unlikely to be practical or useful.

That said, if we think there are going to be common displays between Display-P3 and Rec2020, we should consider (with the clear caution and understanding that it will increase the finger printing surface area) adding to the list of color-gamuts that the media query can match against.

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

actually, there are four, bounded and gamma encoded, bounded and linear, extended and gamma encoded, extended and linear,

CSS Color 4 expresses extended and gamma encoded for all the predefined color() spaces, plus extended linear for olor(srgb-linear). For the legacy formats like rgb() implementations are allowed to use extended although historical implementations have generally converted such values to bounded, gamma-encoded and 8 bits per component.

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

Hi @svgeesus, I was trying to limit the thought experiment to CSS color's as used by authors. Given we don't expect images video to use the same gamut mapping, being able to rely on them to match author specified colors out side of the gamut seems unlikely to be practical or useful.

Ah, I see. Given that clarification, I agree.

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

That said, if we think there are going to be common displays between Display-P3 and Rec2020, we should consider (with the clear caution and understanding that it will increase the finger printing surface area) adding to the list of color-gamuts that the media query can match against.

Right. I don't think this is an immediate need, but we should revisit it periodically as displays improve over the next few years.

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

As simple per-coordinate clip has been mentioned, I am reminded of a canvas GMA example I put together which compares

  1. the CSS Color 4 GMA (OKLCH reduction in C, deltaEOK, with local MINDE)
  2. clip, and
  3. the current color.js GMA (CIE LCH with reduction in C, deltaE2000).

A constant-lightness plane of the OKLCH space is mapped to sRGB using the three methods.


Significant shifts in both hue and lightness are seen with clip. In other words, the gamut mapped color is a poor representation of the original, oog color.

Now that we have display-p3 canvas, I should probably make a version that maps to display-p3.

weinig commented 2 years ago

Following the spec on this point would make the result of gamut mapping visible via getComputedStyle(element). Do you think the spec should change on this point?

Oh, very interesting. I don't believe that was in the spec when I was last working on this (I made an intentional change to match the spec and to not clamp around a year ago if I remember correctly), so thank you for bringing this to my attention.

@svgeesus @LeaVerou, what was the driving motivation behind this change? To me, it has some unfortunate downsides, and I am not clear what you gain from it over the (or perhaps just my) previous interpretation which was that out-of-gamut colors would be preserved all the way to use time.

My recollection is that CSSWG went back and forth on this, between computed value time and used value time; and the main driver was handling system colors in forced color mode, and handling currentColor.

I think that mapping to the display gamut should be as late as possible, so that out of gamut values like rgb(100% 100% -34.627%) (which is color(display-p3 1 1 0)) round-trip cleanly, preserving author intent.

I would need to dig into the commit history to see when that was changed and in response to what issue, but from memory it was to do with handling system colors.

I am a bit confused about this. It seems like the current spec text requires color(srgb 2 0 0) to gamut map to within the sRGB gamut at computed value time ("they are css gamut mapped using a relative colorimetric intent which brings the values within the range 0/0% to 1/100% at computed-value time."). Is the distinction you are making here that the mapping at computed value time is only for the color() function colors and that the legacy rgb() syntax colors should not gamut map at computed value time?

If you can find the details of the "forced color mode, and handling currentColor" rationale, I would be quite interested.

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

A data point with respect to 2D canvas (which has supported display-p3 ImageData for a while now, on more than one browser).

Consider the following code which writes color(display-p3 1 0 0) to an sRGB canvas and reads it back.

var element = document.getElementById("MyCanvas");
var context = element.getContext('2d', {colorSpace:'srgb'});
var put_image_data = new ImageData(1, 1, {colorSpace:'display-p3'});
  put_image_data.data[0] = 255;
  put_image_data.data[1] = 0;
  put_image_data.data[2] = 0;
  put_image_data.data[3] = 255;
context.putImageData(put_image_data, 0, 0);
var get_image_data = context.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1);

This code returns the color [255, 0, 0, 255] (the clipped, not-gamut-mapped value) in all browsers that support ImageDataSettings. In all browsers that support color level 4 syntax, if you replace the putImageData with

context.fillStyle = 'color(display-p3 1 0 0)';
context.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);

then you still get the same (clipped, not-gamut-mapped) result.

When I was writing the spec change for WCG canvas, I was definitely intending "relative colorimetric intent" to mean "clipping" (although I now see that there are various definitions of various vagueness for this).

I'm pretty sure there are WPT tests that enforce this behavior, too (with inputs that are images, too).

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

Also, one more demo about color matching (between images and CSS colors, though it can apply to canvas via ImageData as well). https://ccameron-chromium.github.io/webgl-examples/color-match.html

From what I can tell, all browsers support color matching between CSS colors, images, and canvases.

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

When I was writing the spec change for WCG canvas, I was definitely intending "relative colorimetric intent" to mean "clipping" (although I now see that there are various definitions of various vagueness for this).

The basic definition of relative colorimetric is that:

  1. The white points are matched (not an issue if they are all D65) and scaled to the same value (here, 1 1 1)
  2. Colors inside the gamut are strictly unchanged
  3. Colors outside the gamut are moved to a similar-looking in-gamut color

The third point can be achieved with various levels of fidelity. Simple clipping is the fastest, and produces the worst results. Choosing the color with the lowest deltaE to the original color (MINDE) is better, but still not good because we are most sensitive to changes in hue, then to changes in lightness, and least of all to changes in chroma. Choosing a color with lower chroma and the same hue and lightness gives good results, but depends on which color space and distance metric is being used and can over desaturate in some cases. Choosing the color with lowest OKLCH chroma, using deltaEOK, and finishing up by using a local MINDE step once the difference is below a Just Noticable Difference is what CSS Color 4 specifies, and so far gives the highest quality result for single colors and colors in gradients. It is also more efficient and higher quality than the previously specified method (chroma reduction in CIE LCH, deltaE2000, local MINDE).

Since canvas is driven from script, it is easy for script authors to use their own gamut mapping stage if they wish (like my demo does). Canvas clip can then be seen as a failsafe (if they get this wrong, or don't do it).

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

Since canvas is driven from script, it is easy for script authors to use their own gamut mapping stage if they wish (like my demo does). Canvas clip can then be seen as a failsafe (if they get this wrong, or don't do it).

My understanding is that the color-gamut media query exist to allow content authors to do exactly this (with or without script) for CSS Colors.

For instance, one can do custom gamut mapping with the following CSS:

div { background-color: color(srgb 1 0.24 0.08); }
@media (color-gamut: p3) { div { background-color: color(display-p3 1 0.157 0.117); } }
@media (color-gamut: rec2020) { div { background-color: color(rec2020 1 0 0); } }

This solves the problem of rendering out-of-gamut CSS Colors, without introducing any regressions in color matching behavior or performance. It also gives the content author full control over how their page is to do gamut mapping (the author can even implement a perceptual-like mapping if they want).

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

The color-gamut MQ distinguishes between three broad cases: normal sRGB-ish, wide (like most of P3 or Adobe RGB) and ultrawide (like most of 2020).

Unlike the proposed extensions to handle HDR canvas, the actual capabilities (such as exact primary chromaticities) of the display are not exposed.

Note that the lack of automatic gamut mapping makes animation harder (several values in different color spaces need to be animated together).

Also, your example doesn't do any gamut mapping, It exposes author pre-calculated gamut mapped colors, which may or may not be displayable on a given device within the broad class of devices matched by the MQ.

Further, this example does not extend well when colors are generated by calculations (such as color-mix() or gradients) rather than being explicitly specified.

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

@svgeesus @LeaVerou, what was the driving motivation behind this change? To me, it has some unfortunate downsides, and I am not clear what you gain from it over the (or perhaps just my) previous interpretation which was that out-of-gamut colors would be preserved all the way to use time. (the benefits being that values round trip cleanly and that you can use things like out of gamut color(srgb ...) to express things like Display-P3 colors, which is a common practice in Apple's graphics stack these days).

Ultimately, if the spec authors think this behavior is preferable, this is an easy thing for us to implement (we used to do a clamping gamut mapping here after all, I could just plug in the CSS Gamut Mapping algorithm instead) and I will be happy to.

I do not think that's preferable at all, moving a window to another screen with a different gamut should not cause the computed style of colors to change! @svgeesus will do some digging on why this changed, since he also doesn't think it's a good idea.

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

Since canvas is driven from script, it is easy for script authors to use their own gamut mapping stage if they wish (like my demo does). Canvas clip can then be seen as a failsafe (if they get this wrong, or don't do it).

My understanding is that the color-gamut media query exist to allow content authors to do exactly this (with or without script) for CSS Colors.

For instance, one can do custom gamut mapping with the following CSS:

div { background-color: color(srgb 1 0.24 0.08); }
@media (color-gamut: p3) { div { background-color: color(display-p3 1 0.157 0.117); } }
@media (color-gamut: rec2020) { div { background-color: color(rec2020 1 0 0); } }

This solves the problem of rendering out-of-gamut CSS Colors, without introducing any regressions in color matching behavior or performance. It also gives the content author full control over how their page is to do gamut mapping (the author can even implement a perceptual-like mapping if they want).

Given how trivially easy it is to specify out of gamut colors with e.g. LCH or OKLCH, having to do manual gamut mapping to not get a terrible result is completely unacceptable. Not to mention that the color-gamut media query is a very blunt instrument for this purpose.

I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding permeating this discussion. Going out of gamut is not some edge case we can relegate to script or manual computation, it will be very very common once authors can specify wide gamut colors, so it's important to handle it well and not sweep it under the rug.

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

I want to get back to the color matching issue, and take the image part out of the equation.

Consider the following 3 pieces of web content:

  • A div which uses color(display-p3 1 0 0) as the background
  • A 2D canvas in display-p3 in which solid color(display-p3 1 0 0) is drawn
  • A WebGL canvas in display-p3 which is cleared to the color (1, 0, 0, 1)

Should these appear the same when displayed on a device that has a gamut that is, say, halfway between sRGB and P3? If not, why not?

If a content author wants to display something that part-div, part-2D-canvas, and part-WebGL, should it be possible for the author to color-match between these elements, so that there are no seams in their content, or not?

I went ahead and wrote up an example of the behavior where gamut mapping is applied only to CSS colors, but not images and canvases.

Consider this page, which has a canvas, a CSS color, and an image.

This uses the gamut mapping math in this notebook.

Is this above characterization correct?

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

Given how trivially easy it is to specify out of gamut colors with e.g. LCH or OKLCH, having to do manual gamut mapping to not get a terrible result is completely unacceptable. Not to mention that the color-gamut media query is a very blunt instrument for this purpose.

I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding permeating this discussion. Going out of gamut is not some edge case we can relegate to script or manual computation, it will be very very common once authors can specify wide gamut colors, so it's important to handle it well and not sweep it under the rug.

Yes, this highlights an important issue.

Should someone creating content specify colors (significantly) outside of the capabilities of the device on which they are authoring content? Encouraging that strikes me as a bad idea -- the author is making content without knowing what it actually looks like. Just in the above example, the color(p3 1 0 0) gamut-mapped to sRGB looks is less-saturated than srgb(1 0 0), which is the opposite of what actually happens when it is rendered on an a P3 display.

The parameterization and interpolation of LCH is highly desirable. The ability to swing wildly out of gamut isn't. What about the following compromise: take away LCH, and replace it with something like LCH-P3, with gamut mapping to P3 baked in?

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

Is this above characterization correct?

Yes, this is correct (assuming the gamut mapping math is correct, which is @svgeesus' purview). Yes, if you gamut map a CSS color and Canvas does not do gamut mapping, it logically follows that you will not get the same color if gamut mapping is needed. Are you implying that because canvas produces broken results, CSS needs to do so as well?

It is far more important to get a color closer to the author intent (@svgeesus demonstrated above what kind of poor results clipping produces), rather than to accommodate the odd case where the same CSS color is displayed next to the same canvas color.

That said, ideally Canvas should also add a mode that properly gamut maps OOG colors. Perhaps you would be interested to work on that proposal?

We can discuss gamut mapping algorithms all you want, and I think it's highly likely that a better algorithm exists than what is currently in the spec, and I’m sure both I and all other CSS Color editors would welcome input towards producing a better gamut mapping algorithm. However, if the proposal here is to remove gamut mapping from the spec entirely, or to make it an informative note and let UAs get away with simple per-component clipping, I would be willing to formally object to that. It would render wide gamut colors unusable and is both author-hostile, user-hostile, and harmful for accessibility.

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

Yes, this highlights an important issue.

Should someone creating content specify colors (significantly) outside of the capabilities of the device on which they are authoring content? Encouraging that strikes me as a bad idea -- the author is making content without knowing what it actually looks like. Just in the above example, the color(p3 1 0 0) gamut-mapped to sRGB looks is less-saturated than srgb(1 0 0), which is the opposite of what actually happens when it is rendered on an a P3 display.

Colors are not always specified manually, they are often generated, either via script, or user input (on another machine!), or CSS color modification functions, or interpolation etc.

The parameterization and interpolation of LCH is highly desirable. The ability to swing wildly out of gamut isn't. What about the following compromise: take away LCH, and replace it with something like LCH-P3, with gamut mapping to P3 baked in?

sRGB seemed plenty enough back in the 90s. Can we please not repeat the same mistake, just with P3 this time? We cannot be solving the same problems every few years.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "The parameterization and interpolation of LCH is highly desirable". The advantage of LCH (and OKLCH) is perceptual uniformity. I'm not sure how your proposed LCH-P3 would maintain that.

If you want to specify LCH colors that are constrained to the P3 gamut, you can do this already via Relative Color Syntax once that deals with color() as well: color(from lch(...) display-p3 r g b); (or whatever the RCS syntax would look like for color()).

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

(or whatever the RCS syntax would look like for color())

It would look like this (the spec has it already)

However, that section seems to run straight into some other text, unrelated to RCS of color(), need to look into that. Examples would also be good.

ccameron-chromium commented 2 years ago

It is far more important to get a color closer to the author intent (@svgeesus demonstrated above what kind of poor results clipping produces), rather than to accommodate the odd case where the same CSS color is displayed next to the same canvas color.

This is a case from a partner, developing a graphic design application. The main work area is a low latency WebGL canvas in P3 (pushed to a hardware overlay whenever possible), and they have a color picker tool that is CSS.

Another example is a logo that is represented as an image, and the content author wants text on the page to match the logo's color.

This is also something that users have been able to do forever with sRGB images. If an image is sRGB, then specifying that exact same pixel value as a CSS color has always produced an identical color. I don't think we should sweep away that functionality.

With respect to author intent, I've elaborated on the above example with this test page here.

johannesodland commented 2 years ago

This is also something that users have been able to do forever with sRGB images. If an image is sRGB, then specifying that exact same pixel value as a CSS color has always produced an identical color. I don't think we should sweep away that functionality.

This is something we often do as well, and something that we would like to be able to do in the future. We sometimes need to match colors across images, canvas, css and sometimes video.

An example is when publishing editorial articles with graphical elements that has matching text-color, accent-color and/or background color across images, css and canvas elements.

When we do, it would be nice if we could set the gamut-mapping being used on images and canvas so that out of display gamut colors do match. Not all images are photography, not all videos are “photographic”.

This does not mean that the css gamut mapping should be the default setting on say images. Only that it would be useful for authors to control the gamut mapping used when images, canvas (or video) contain graphical elements and not “photography”.