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[css-selectors] Expose date input picker affordance as a pseudo element #8359

Open tylersticka opened 1 year ago

tylersticka commented 1 year ago

Some browsers include a small calendar icon as an extra visual affordance and/or focusable date picker toggle for input elements with a type of date.

Here is an example of a barebones <input type="date"> in Firefox:

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 12 03 03 PM

In Chrome and Edge, this affordance may be selected using the -webkit-calendar-picker-indicator pseudo element. But there is currently no comparable element in Firefox, and no documented standard that I could find (though @AmeliaBR kindly pointed me toward related issues like #5365 and #3934).

The most common use case for having this pseudo element would be to customize the appearance of the icon, perhaps for consistency with the rest of a site's experience. The use case I personally encountered was simpler: We had a report of users being confused by an affordance-less date input in Safari. We wanted to provide our own calendar icon, but only for browsers that didn't provide their own.

In theory, we'd be able to use some CSS like this (see CodePen example):

@supports not selector(::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator) {
  input[type=date] {
    background-image: url('calendar-icon.svg');

This works great in Chromium, which shows the native affordance:

Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 11 22 55 AM

And Safari, which shows the fallback image:

Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 11 23 03 AM

But since Firefox doesn't have a comparable pseudo element to test against, it shows both the fallback and the native affordance:

Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 11 22 31 AM

It would be helpful to have a standard in place for consistency.

gterminator commented 3 months ago

This kind of inconsistency forces the developers to use a ui-library and completly not using the type=date functionality.

Is there any update?