w3c / csswg-drafts

CSS Working Group Editor Drafts
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[css-syntax] keeping the indent level under control in modern CSS with `@layer`, `@scope`, nesting, ... #8912

Open romainmenke opened 1 year ago

romainmenke commented 1 year ago

Example :

@layer components {
    @scope (.my-component) to (.child-component-slot > *) {
        .my-component {
            color: cyan;
            padding: 0.5rem;

            &:hover {
                color: blue;

            @media (min-width: 768px) {
                padding: 1rem;

This is starting to look a bit like the callback hell from JS :

getBeef("foo", (rawBeef) => {
    sliceBeef(rawBeef, (slicedBeef) => {
        cookBeef(slicedBeef, (cookedBeef) => {
            serveBeef(cookedBeef, (servedBeef) => {

Some of this can be externalized by adding bits of it to @import :

@import "my-component.css" layer(components);

But this isn't always possible or good practice for maintainable code. Often the reason for wrapping code in an at-rule is tightly coupled with the code that is wrapped.

Using nesting is a choice and authors can choose not to nest.

@when does not help here because it wasn't designed for @layer, @scope, @container, ... Personally I don't think @when should be shipped at all because it doesn't solve the issue fully. Maybe I am wrong here and @when could be used for all at rules?

The underlying issue is that at-rules can only be "combined" or "stacked" by nesting them. With the introduction of new at-rules and nested CSS source code will only become more heavily nested and less readable.

I don't have a concreet proposal for a syntax that could help here. I do however think it is something that should be explored.

rthrejheytjyrtj545 commented 1 year ago


// no-spaghetti.css

{  @layer (components)
;  @scope (.my-component)
;  @boundary (.child-component-slot > *)
;  @selectors (.my-component)
;  @declarations
   {  color : cyan
   ;  padding : .5rem
}  @nest 
   {  @selectors (&:hover)
   ;  @declarations
      {  color : blue
}} @nest 
   {  @media (min-width: 768px)
   ;  @declarations
      {  padding : 1rem



@rules --component {
   @layer (components);
   @scope (.my-component);
   @boundary (.child-component-slot > *);
   @selectors (.my-component);
   @declarations --component;
   @nest --component-hover;
   @nest --component-response}

@declarations --component {

@nest --component-hover {
   @selectors (&:hover);
   @declarations --component-hover}

@declarations --component-hover {
   @properties (color);
   @values (blue)}

@nest --component-response {
   @media (min-width: 768px);
   @declarations --component-response}

@declarations --component-response {
   @properties (padding);
   @values (1rem)}