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CSS Working Group Editor Drafts
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[css-animations-2][css-transitions-2] Add animation object to animation/transition events. #9010

Open flackr opened 1 year ago

flackr commented 1 year ago

Currently the css-animations-1 AnimationEvent and the css-transitions-1 TransitionEvent only provide details about the animation (its name, and timing) or transition (property and timing), but if you wanted to get the actual Animation object you would have to call getAnimations() on the element and find the corresponding animation. E.g.

element.addEventListener('animationstart', (evt) => {
  // evt does not contain the animation so we have to find it.
  let animation = element.getAnimations().find(anim => anim.animationName == evt.animationName);

If the same animation name is started twice, e.g. animation: keyframes 1s, keyframes 1s, the developer doesn't have any way to know which Animation object in the getAnimations list corresponds to the AnimationEvent.

I propose we add the web-animations Animation object for the animation / transition to these events so that developers can easily get the associated Animation from the events. I'd propose calling it animation in both interfaces though we could consider calling it transition in the TransitionEvent interface even though the type would be Animation.

bramus commented 1 year ago

Very much in favor of this. Surprised me it didn’t already give authors the full details.

flackr commented 1 year ago

@birtles FYI

ydaniv commented 1 year ago

Wow, super needed! I was trying for sometime to think how to do that with the missing animation.id, which you only get for WAAPI, but this is much better (:

birtles commented 1 year ago

Sounds great. AnimationPlaybackEvents already expose this through their target property.

bramus commented 11 months ago

Since we’re all in agreement, let’s try and get an async resolution. Proposed resolutions (rewritten from what flackr@ said above) are:

  1. Add the web-animations Animation object for the animation / transition to the animation*/transition* events
  2. Name the property animation

/ping @astearns

astearns commented 11 months ago

Restating the resolution to make sure I am understanding correctly (thumbs up if this is good, please reply with a correction if I am wrong)

Proposed Resolution: Add an animation property to the animation*/transition* events that contains the relevant Animation object

astearns commented 11 months ago

The CSSWG will automatically accept this resolution one week from now if no objections are raised here. Anyone can add an emoji to this comment to express support. If you do not support this resolution, please add a new comment.

Proposed Resolution: Add an animation property to the animation/transition events that contains the relevant Animation object

birtles commented 11 months ago

(Non-substantive clarification to the resolution: the types of the animation property for animation/transition events should be CSSAnimation and CSSTransition respectively.)

astearns commented 10 months ago

RESOLVED: Add an animation property to the animation/transition events that contains the relevant Animation object (CSSAnimation and CSSTransition respectively)