w3c / csvw

Documents produced by the CSV on the Web Working Group
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formatting errors in the 17 Jan 2019 w3c.github.io spec draft #884

Open bblfish opened 2 years ago

bblfish commented 2 years ago

When I open https://w3c.github.io/csvw/csv2rdf/#example-events-listing-minimal-ttl I see in Example 12

@base  .
@prefix schema:  .
@prefix xsd:  .

Further down in example 23 there is a similar problem with prefix values missing and also subjects not being visible

@prefix dc:  .
@prefix foaf:  .
@prefix org:  .
@prefix xsd:  .

  dc:identifier "90115" ;
  org:heldBy  ;
   "SCS1A" ;

There are quite a few formatting errors of this type.

Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 19 01 46


gkellogg commented 2 years ago

Note that that example does not show obvious formatting errors as released. Problems in the Editor's Draft are likely caused by updates to ReSpec, as the document shows a number of issues. There is no plan presently to keep the editor's draft versions of the documents up-to-date as no group is really authorized to do so, nor is there time to maintain numerous ED's across several other groups.

bblfish commented 2 years ago

Ah, I was thinking the editors draft continued being worked on in the community group and perhaps reflected evolution of the project with updates and improvements (the last git commit was in 2019).

gkellogg commented 2 years ago

That would be nice, and I think it would be cool if there was interest in the CG to move forward the work, but there's been no activity since it was formed at the completion of the WG.