w3c / deviceorientation

W3C Device Orientation spec
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Behavior when event data cannot be provided is underspecified #118

Open rakuco opened 11 months ago

rakuco commented 11 months ago

Each of the 3 event types defined in this specification have an excerpt that looks like this:

If an implementation can never provide motion information, the event should be fired with the acceleration, accelerationIncludingGravity and rotationRate attributes set to null.

This does not look entirely clear to me:

reillyeon commented 11 months ago

I think Chromium puts the sensor into an essentially "stopped" state and so only one event is fired but the concept of "stopped" and "started" don't really exist in this spec.

anssiko commented 7 months ago

Do we want to try address this by the upcoming CR Snapshot or defer for later? Works both ways.

Discussed in https://www.w3.org/2024/02/12-dap-minutes.html#t10

reillyeon commented 7 months ago

@rakuco took an action item to discover what the implementation consensus (if any) is on this behavior. If the answer is simple we could adjust the specification test to clarify but I don't think this is blocking.