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DAS WG TPAC F2F agenda (Fukuoka, Sep 19-20 2019) #24

Closed anssiko closed 4 years ago

anssiko commented 5 years ago

The Devices and Sensors WG will meet at TPAC 2019 on Thursday and Friday. See the spec roadmap for all deliverables in scope for the group.

This issues is to solicit feedback from the group on F2F agenda topics. All feedback welcome. Chairs: @anssiko @reillyeon.




Thursday 19 September

Time Topic
09:00-09:30 Intro, agenda bashing, admin announcements
09:30-10:30 Permissions UX
10:30-11:00 Coffee ☕
11:15-12:00 Generic Sensor API; Proximity, ALS, Magnetometer
12:00-12:30 Geolocation API
12:30-13:30 Lunch 🍣
13:30-15:00 Geolocation Sensor, Device Orientation Event
15:15-15:45 Coffee ☕
15:45-16:30 Privacy & Security
16:30-17:30 Wake Lock

Friday 20 September

Time Topic
09:00-09:30 Agenda bashing
09:30-10:30 Wake Lock (cont'd)
10:30-11:00 Coffee ☕
11:00-11:30 Battery Status
11:30-12:30 Incubations: webGPIO, webI2C, WebNFC
12:30-13:30 Lunch 🍣

Proposed topics

Generic Sensor API

Proximity, ALS, Magnetometer, other Sensor APIs

No v1 blockers, re-enter CR?

Geolocation API

Geolocation Sensor

Device Orientation Event

Battery Status API

Privacy & Security session

Wake Lock API

Incubations of interest/relevant to DAS WG audience

Given time and the critical mass of interested people in the room, we can discuss incubations relevant to DAS WG. Possible ones:


maryammjd commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone,

Since security/privacy/permission of sensors has been the centre of lots of discussions, I would like to have a half an hour presentation on our research on "security and privacy of sensors". It will be fantastic to hear from all the people in the room about the challenges and opportunities. Hopefully, such a discussion will help the WG to have a proactive approach for new sensors, resulting in better security and privacy experiences.

Thanks, Maryam

anssiko commented 5 years ago

Thanks @maryammjd, I created a "Privacy & Security session" and allocated you a slot in it. We may shuffle the order of agenda topics.

tomayac commented 5 years ago

Geolocation Sensor

Looking at the open spec issues, I can see eight bullets (following the labels) that we can discuss:

  1. Accuracy: How should the desired accuracy be expressed?

  2. Latency: How should the desired latency be expressed?

  3. Workers: How should user activation be transferred to the Worker?

  4. Foreground tracking: Rather than reads based on a frequency, can the old change-based behavior of watchPosition() be preserved?

  5. Update frequency: This is https://github.com/w3c/sensors/issues/63 really.

  6. Background tracking: Is maybe a "system" (or potential "geo") type Wake Lock the better home for this?

  7. Background geofencing: Is maybe Notification Trigger (search for "location", also see the related Chromium bug) the better home for this feature?

  8. Power saving: Should a "battery saver" status have an impact on Geolocation Sensor accuracy and frequency?

This is just a proposal, what do you think? (Note: I will be out of office most of July, please expect delayed responses.)

anssiko commented 5 years ago

Thanks @tomayac! Looks like a well thought out list of topics. I'll let others chime in over the summer period (expect slow responses from me) and we'll bake these into the agenda proper sometime in August.

reillyeon commented 5 years ago

In planning our agenda we should perhaps attempt to avoid scheduling the entire day for both days given that our meeting conflicts with the Web Applications WG.

anssiko commented 5 years ago

Brainstorming with @rakuco and @kenchris. For Wake Lock API, we'd propose the group discusses the following "v1" issues:


WakeLock.request() returns a promise that never resolves


WakeLock and Page Life Cycle


Need to add "wake-lock" to permissions registry


Custom permission model?


System lock use cases

anssiko commented 5 years ago

@reillyeon: In planning our agenda we should perhaps attempt to avoid scheduling the entire day for both days given that our meeting conflicts with the Web Applications WG.

Here's the WebApps WG's F2F schedule: https://github.com/w3c/webappswg/issues/10

WebApps WG F2F runs unconference sessions from Thu noon onwards and the whole day Friday. I'd propose DAS F2F runs full Thursday and ends noon-ish Friday. This would allow DAS participants who want to join or lead WebApps WG unconference session(s) to do so Friday afternoon. We could perhaps break on Thu 11:15am to allow interested folks to join WebApps WG's unconference logistics session.

Does this sound good?

anssiko commented 5 years ago

@riju, do you mind looking at Generic Sensor API Level 2 issues to see what would make sense to discuss at F2F considering in particular implementation status and plans?

I added #13 as an example, since its latest comment notes a number of open issues that are related.

anssiko commented 5 years ago

I started putting the proposed agenda topics into a schedule, see https://github.com/w3c/devicesensors-wg/issues/24#issue-456941324 All feedback welcome.

We'll do agenda bashing as the first thing on both the days, but please let us know already now if you're aware of a conflicting time. I scheduled Wake Lock as the last thing on Thursday to work for @rakuco (remote) and @marcoscaceres (visiting us from WebApps WG).

maryammjd commented 4 years ago

A relevant paper: A Large-scale Study on the Risks of the HTML5 WebAPI for Mobile Sensor-based Attacks

satakagi commented 4 years ago

Hi, this is my input about Web GPIO and Web I2C https://github.com/satakagi/TPAC2019-docs/blob/master/WebGPIO_I2C.md