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W3C Decentralized Identifier Specification v1.0
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CR Feedback: Support of `publicKeyMultibase` #707

Closed carsonfarmer closed 3 years ago

carsonfarmer commented 3 years ago

According to https://w3c.github.io/did-core/#verification-material, the "DID Working Group is seeking implementer feedback on the preference of the ecosystem with respect to using publicKeyBase58 or publicKeyMultibase. I would like to strongly signal preference for inclusion of publicKeyMultibase in the spec.

As stated in the did-core document, publicKeyMultibase supports more base-representation formats and provides a more future proof path. It additionally supports publicKeyBase58 quite easily, and there are now lots of libraries and implementations of the "standard" out in the wild, most of which are fully compatible and stable. See for example: https://github.com/multiformats/multibase#implementations (linking for those less familiar with multiformats and multibase encoding). In the interest of limiting the number of formats for expressing public key material in a DID Document to the fewest possible, and to increase the likelihood of interoperability, I would suggest that publicKeyMultibase be the preferred encoding format.

Our team (@textileio) has already begun implementing a Go-lang version of https://github.com/decentralized-identity/did-resolver where we are explicitly supporting publicKeyMultibase for compatibility with the wider multibase/IPLD/IPFS ecosystem. I have also cc'ed a few other contributors/implementors that might be interested in voicing their opinion here as well.

Thank you, and apologies if this is not the right venue to signal support!

cc @sanderpick @oed

OR13 commented 3 years ago

@msporny and I have also worked on publicKeyMultibase.... https://w3c-ccg.github.io/lds-ed25519-2020/

However, we fought for a very long time about this, and settled on publicKeyJwk and publicKeyBase58.... I would be happy replacing publicKeyBase58 with publicKeyMultibase... but adding yet another verification method material type to the core seems like a bad idea...

IMO the best thing we could do would be replace publicKeyBase58 with publicKeyMultibase in DID Core and require an extension for publicKeyBase58 in did spec registries.

carsonfarmer commented 3 years ago

100% in agreement on this!

msporny commented 3 years ago

Thank you, and apologies if this is not the right venue to signal support!

With my Editor hat off and company rep hat on -- Digital Bazaar is also strongly in favor of replacing publicKeyBase58 with publicKeyMultibase in the specification. We might argue to still include publicKeyBase58 in the DID Core context (but not in DID Core spec) as a number of implementations already use that out in the wild. I also agree with @OR13 that it would be bad to add yet another verification method material type to the core.

With my Editor hat on -- DAMMIT, PEOPLE! You want to do this NOW!? :P Doing a change like this at this point would delay entering Candidate Recommendation (which no one wants to do -- we're already 4 months late going into CR), or require us to go through another Candidate Recommendation round (add an extra 1-2 months to our dangerously short timeline). We are almost certainly going to need to go through at least one extra CR... so my suggestion would be to acknowledge this issue, run the first CR for two months and then if there is agreement in the WG to make this change (and the tests to support it), run another CR.

EDIT: Wait, no, I'm totally wrong. I forgot that we marked that as an issue at risk... so it wouldn't cause us to go through another CR. Nevermind! We're all good here.

kdenhartog commented 3 years ago

An alternative consideration: Leave this up to the LDP suites to define (since that's where this should be handled anyways - the LDP work made a good architectural split let's use it) and then leave things as they are defined by the LDP suites which should ultimately should be making this decision about which encoding term is used.

Then in DID Core we can place additional constraints to maintain interoperability by saying "LDP suites that are defining public key data model representations SHOULD use publicKeyJwk or publicKeyMultibase".

I'd argue for a MUST here, but by using SHOULD we allow for deprecated publicKeyBase58 usage keeping the selection narrow for implementors. I'm open to upgrading that to a MUST though if others feel that's the right way to handle it.

oed commented 3 years ago

3Box Labs team also strongly favors publicKeyMultibase. We are comited to implementing support to https://github.com/decentralized-identity/did-resolver and any method specific resolvers we use with this library!

peacekeeper commented 3 years ago

I don't really have a strong opinion either way, but want to mention that during a number of Special Topic Calls we settled on publicKeyBase58, because we said that we wanted to use whatever was the most common/popular format for certain key types in the communities that use them.

At one point in time, the idea was to support publicKeyBase58 for ed25519, publicKeyHex for secp256k1, publicKeyPem for RSA.

I think you could also argue that publicKeyBase58 is simpler than publicKeyMultibase, requires less code and fewer dependencies, and therefore reduces attack surface.

But things evolve of course, so no objection here...

Of course @msporny - in one of his typical sneaky PRs https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/613 - already managed to change the Simple Example to use publicKeyMultibase instead of publicKeyBase58 :)

iherman commented 3 years ago

Of course @msporny - in one of his typical sneaky PRs #613 - already managed to change the Simple Example to use publicKeyMultibase instead of publicKeyBase58 :)

Note that, editorially, that example should be "annotated" like, for example, Example 13 making it clear that publicKeyMultibase is an externally defined property...

cc @rhiaro

peacekeeper commented 3 years ago

I think the Simple Example should use publicKeyBase58, since that's what the spec defines today, even if we decide later to change it.

msporny commented 3 years ago

Of course @msporny - in one of his typical sneaky PRs #613 - already managed to change the Simple Example to use publicKeyMultibase instead of publicKeyBase58 :)

The change was intended primarily to telegraph that (at least my hope is) that we're going to upgrade to Ed25519Signature2020 (which does use publicKeyMultibase) before we exit CR. There's a very strong argument that no future cryptosuite should use publicKeyBase58 and all future cryptosuites should use publicKeyMultibase. If we had done this to start with, we never would've had the whole publicKeyHex vs. publicKeyBase58 debate -- it would've been unnnecessary, everyone would've just used publicKeyMultibase and allowed either base16 or base58, depending on their cryptosuite, and been fine with it. The cryptosuites can limit the base-encodings (so you don't have to support every base encoding under the sun), which is the right place to put in the limitation. We didn't go with multibase (years ago) because a good chunk of the folks in the group hadn't implemented multi-base encoded values in cryptosuites.

The biggest remaining problem in Ed25519Signature2018 is the JWS encoding -- we had done this as a compromise with the JOSE community, but it just created complexity w/o much upside. Now that @OR13 has created a proper JOSE cryptosuite, we don't need to support JWS/JWK anywhere else but in the JOSE cryptosuite... which means other cryptosuites can move on w/o all the JOSE base64 encoding cruft. One of the advantages of publicKeyMultibase over jws is that you can do really efficient encodings of any multibase value in CBOR (namely, CBOR-LD). There is roughly a ~25-100 byte savings (the JWS header plus the ~30% bloat caused by the base64url encoding) per 128-byte Ed25519 signature when using publicKeyMultibase instead of JWS in CBOR-LD... and that's a big deal when your payload limit is 400 bytes. Yes, we could create a special compressor in CBOR-LD just for the special case that is JWS... or we could do the better, more general solution and just byte-encode publicKeyMultibase and go to 100% efficiency.

I'm afraid that if we go with what's common today (publicKeyBase58), that the DID Core spec is going to look very dated in about six months... because we're right on the precipice of kicking publicKeyBase58 to the curb (again, if there is community buy-in... and there are a number of good arguments to move to publicKeyMultibase and not many other than "that's what we've implemented today" for publicKeyBase58).

All that said... all of the examples are non-normative... we can change them at any point during CR. I just wanted to get an example into the spec that demonstrated that we had contemplated this before we went into CR (along with the at risk marker that's in the spec now about publicKeyMultibase -- which I seem to have immediately forgot about writing) rather than people claiming that (during CR) "this is coming out of the blue and it's a new feature and we can't make the change now!". :)

We can make the change, it won't make us go through another CR... the only thing we need is implementer feedback on what implementers would like to do.

OR13 commented 3 years ago

Seems like more private key entries will be necessary for equivalent representation support to JWK... the only multibase private key code is for ed25519... https://github.com/multiformats/multicodec/blob/master/table.csv#L128

peacekeeper commented 3 years ago

the only multibase private key code is for ed25519

@OR13 You're now talking about multicodec, but we are not proposing to adopt that, are we? This issue is only about adopting multibase, not multicodec?

OR13 commented 3 years ago

sorry, I was not paying attention when I wrote that.

multibase is all we need to update publicKeyBase58 and privateKeyBase58 to

publicKeyMultibase and privateKeyMultibase... both would start with z.

The multicodec stuff is not relevant to this discussion, I have just been dealing with it recently and got confused by that entry...

Its worth noting that when you use a key representation like multibasee, without multicodec, you end up transmitting key type in other places, like type... which means when translating from:

  "id": "...",
   "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2020",
   "controller": "did:example:123",
   "publicKeyMultibase": "z..."


to a JWK format, you will need to pass:

type, publicKeyMultibase => jwk.

OR13 commented 3 years ago

Worth considering the intersection of this with https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/issues/264

kdenhartog commented 3 years ago

Something to note about publicKeyMultibase is that while the multicodec and multibase aspects are well defined there's a lack of definition around how the public key material should be serialized. As an example, when using publicKeyMultibase with a P-256 key are we expecting that the key MUST be compressed, or is it possible for the key to be uncompressed X and Y coordinate points. If it is X and Y coordinates would we expect the X to come before the Y or vice versa? Similarly, if we encode an RSA key do we need to include all of the public components for the key that are passed and in what way are we encoding them?

I expect that this isn't something we should be defining, but rather we should be working with @jbenet and others working on multiformat to get that work done there. From what I can tell, this may be the intent of what multikey is for.

OR13 commented 3 years ago


Doesn't actually define how x, and y are handled... but we are all esssentially assuming [x,y]

@kdenhartog just let RSA die.

kdenhartog commented 3 years ago


Doesn't actually define how x, and y are handled... but we are all esssentially assuming [x,y]

Yeah we should go and define that because it could be assumed they need to be compressed as well.

@kdenhartog just let RSA die.

I hope Schnorr finally put the nail in that coffin and only included it for the complexity it would bring.

peacekeeper commented 3 years ago

Reading this thread again... I don't have a strong opinion here, and I do find publicKeyMultibase quite sexy, but I have to say I don't REALLY understand:

Is this whole issue even still relevant if we decide to split out the cryptosuite terms into their own contexts as suggested in https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/277? (Which I think is a good idea).

iherman commented 3 years ago

The issue was discussed in a meeting on 2021-03-30

View the transcript #### 5.2. CR Feedback: Support of publicKeyMultibase _See github issue [#707](https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/707)._ **Brent Zundel:** if you identify some other ones, please mention them > *Shigeya Suzuki:* if somebody needs help on diagram, I can (after finishing test spec, of course) **Orie Steele:** I'm one of the folks who commented on this. I'm very supportive of this issue. … Generally, everyone should read the issue. Whatever I can do to move this ball forward, sign me up **Brent Zundel:** I am adding you as an assignee to the issue. **Manu Sporny:** +1 to what Orie_ said. I believe on purpose we put language in the spec that would allow us to make this substantive change during CR. … Digital Bazaar to provide two multibase encodings to the test suite. … The reason for multibase is to make it easier to compress in things like CBOR-LD. … Comes up for vaccination certificates and anything to put in a QR code. If you have a multibase encoding, you can in some case save a significant number of bytes. … Also a good future-proofing mechanism. **Kyle Den Hartog:** Maybe venturing into "take it into the comments" ... but does it make sense for us to define it here, or better in the linked data suites work? **Manu Sporny:** good question, it should have been done years ago in that work. But because it did not go standards track first, we are in the awkward position of having to define this stuff. … We wanted to keep it out of the spec like we did with vc-data-model. But now we have publicKeyBase58 in there. Want to either add publicKeyMultibase, or replace it. … Because it's in there, let's try to do the right thing this time around.
cihanss commented 3 years ago

As a developer, I'm strongly against supporting the usage of publicKeyMultibase as a MUST in the DID Core specifications. The Multibase Algorithms Registry is expanding; there are many encodings in draft and candidate status. A brief look at the currently linked implementations shows us many of the libraries are already missing some of the default encodings, E.g., Java, Python, Haskell, .NET, Elixir are missing the base16upper, and C++ is missing most of the defaults as far as I can tell.

Developers will need to ensure the used libraries are up-to-date and supporting all the encodings or implement/maintain theirs. I believe this is too much to ask for so little to gain and can lead to many interoperability issues.

There are many benefits of supporting publicKeyMultibase, that's for sure. But it shouldn't be enforced, or required base-encodings should be known/limited for the sake of implementers. Leaving the limitation of base-encodings to crypto-suites, as @msporny suggests, might be the solution.

OR13 commented 3 years ago

@cihanss can you comment on your opinion of publicKeyJwk?

OR13 commented 3 years ago


  • why using publicKeyMultibase is preferable over using publicKeyBase58 and publicKeyBase64 and publicKeyHex and (whatever else a specific cryptosuite prefers for itself).

because the base encoding is handled in the value not in the property.

  • how using publicKeyMultibase helps with compression in a CBOR(-LD) representation. If you had e.g. publicKeyHex instead of publicKeyMultibase, can't you just compress that in the same way (by simply serializing the actual byte content of the property). The production rules would need some custom logic anyway, so why would this be easier with publicKeyMultibase than e.g. publicKeyHex, and why would the end result in CBOR(-LD) be different?

easier to write a codec or use off the shelf software that already understands the base encoding.

Imo, these are good questions, but they essentially boil down too: why do we need a base encoded key representation? short answer is we don't if everyone agreed to support JWK.... the next question that arises is do we need 1 more base encoded format or N new property names... at least multibase does not ask us to keep making property names for every new base encoding.

cihanss commented 3 years ago


@cihanss can you comment on your opinion of publicKeyJwk?

The ability to express all of the key formats in a JSON-based structure is convenient. Having the properties in representation makes some use cases more straightforward to implement, such as filtering out different public-keys via their shared specs from document-oriented databases (not the best example, I know). It has no serialization issues, too, as far as I know.

I've spent many hours on the transformation between different verification-method properties. I would push for adopting it as a standard (I know deciding on standards is not working like that) to save myself and other poor souls that deal with the same hassle. I have no in-depth knowledge about publicKeyJwk and its shortcomings, though. I'm just a developer...

OR13 commented 3 years ago

well, good news is that at least there is tooling for handling JWKs... I suppose the same is true for multibase now, thanks for IPFS... its less true for base58.

sondreb commented 3 years ago

Been looking around and reading the specs, trying to decide upon which encoding to use for the public key. I wanted to drop supporting multiple and just go with one, I already was doing Hex and Jwk, but figured I would migrate to only do base58. Then I found this thread (I was thinking of submitting an issue) and lots of good content here.

From what I understand of multibase, it's simply a flexible value that uses a single character prefix to pick the encoding? That would make it fairly easy to use together with most crypto-libraries for blockchains that already exists, which a lot of them does base58.

It's even possible to not use the multibase library for implementations that produce documents, I should be able to simply prefix with "z" and use the base58 implementation I already got.

So for what it's worth, I'm supportive of publicKeyMultibase!

clehner commented 3 years ago

I see the need for smaller strings, but also the concern of added complexity of publicKeyMultibase. Would it help if only some specific multibase types were allowed? Like how did:key only uses z (base58).

As an implementer I have preferred publicKeyJwk to either publicKeyBase58 or publicKeyMultibase (which I have not yet encountered "in the wild"), because JWK is more well-specified, e.g. in RFC 7517 and the IANA JOSE registries. Some linked data proof types still use publicKeyHex instead of publicKeyBase58, and I have to make the assumption that the encoded bytes have the same meaning between these properties. There is also more than one way to serialize some types of public keys, e.g. using point compression for elliptic curves; and optional components of RSA keys. There are also application-specific encodings. These concerns can also be addressed by cryptosuites being very clear about the byte encoding of their public keys, but to the extent that they are not, I think it is a potential source of confusion compared to using publicKeyJwk.

I wonder if using COSE with publicKeyJwk for the CBOR representation could provide equivalent space savings. But perhaps it is too late to change the CBOR representation.

msporny commented 3 years ago

I see the need for smaller strings, but also the concern of added complexity of publicKeyMultibase. Would it help if only some specific multibase types were allowed? Like how did:key only uses z (base58).

It's not said often enough, but this is the operating assumption. Just because we're supporting publicKeyMultibase doesn't mean we want to support ALL base-encodings (that would be a bit insane). What we're trying to do is future-proof all key expressions so that we can switch base-encoding formats in the future w/o having to invent publicKeyBase72 (for example).

At present, it seems like MOST of the publicKeyMultibase encodings are going to be base58, with some choosing base16 (lowercase).

As an implementer I have preferred publicKeyJwk to either publicKeyBase58 or publicKeyMultibase (which I have not yet encountered "in the wild"), because JWK is more well-specified, e.g. in RFC 7517 and the IANA JOSE registries. Some linked data proof types still use publicKeyHex instead of publicKeyBase58, and I have to make the assumption that the encoded bytes have the same meaning between these properties. There is also more than one way to serialize some types of public keys, e.g. using point compression for elliptic curves; and optional components of RSA keys. There are also application-specific encodings. These concerns can also be addressed by cryptosuites being very clear about the byte encoding of their public keys, but to the extent that they are not, I think it is a potential source of confusion compared to using publicKeyJwk.

I strongly disagree with "potential source of confusion". I suggest that most developers have no idea what each component of the keys they're expressing are... and there have been countless failures with developers publishing private keys with their public keys or constructing the cryptographic variables in ways that cause security failures in their applications.

We shouldn't allow developers that don't know what inputs to cryptographic algorithms do to be able to change those inputs for the same reason that we don't allow drivers to easily change the fuel enrichment settings on their gas-powered cars, or the voltage output settings on their electric vehicles.

Instead, the people that know about the cryptography should decide on the byte layout for cryptographic algorithm input and expose that as an opaque blob to the rest of the developer community... because the rest of the developer community doesn't need to tweak those settings.

This was one of the strongest arguments behind why ed25519 was designed the way it was... they noticed that developers were screwing the selection of the input parameters up and they were like... "Ok, how do we make it so that the only thing you need to get right is to feed a random number in, and then we take care of the rest." The nice thing about ed25519 is that there is very little there to mess up. That cannot be said for the JOSE stack.

I wonder if using COSE with publicKeyJwk for the CBOR representation could provide equivalent space savings. But perhaps it is too late to change the CBOR representation.

We could start with two problems... and then do publicKeyCwk... and be left with three problems. :)

You're coming at this as a "developer in the know"... try to think about the developers that will be using this stuff, that don't know nearly as much as you do... how would you protect them from themselves? Would you add more switches and toggles? Or would you take some switches and toggles away?

I suggest that simpler systems tend to be easier to analyze, easier to maintain, and more secure.

msporny commented 3 years ago

Alright, looks like we have a decent bit of support for moving to publicKeyMultibase, and I'm not seeing any arguments against it yet, so let me try to outline a plan of action to see if folks would be okay with it:

  1. We update all examples using publicKeyBase58 in the specification to use publicKeyMultibase, that will effectively have us updating to Ed25519VerificationKey2020 values.
  2. publicKeyBase58 is already in the DID Spec Registries, and we can add a note stating that publicKeyMultibase is preferred (same warning for Ed25519VerificationKey2018).
  3. We add publicKeyMultibase and Ed25519VerificationKey2020 to DID Core Registries.
  4. We adjust language associated with publicKeyBase58 to publicKeyMultibase -- for example: https://w3c.github.io/did-core/#verification-material

We have an example of a DID Document that uses this new format here, if folks are curious: https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/blob/main/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/implementations/did-key-2020-db.json#L15-L18

Since we marked publicKeyBase58 as "at risk", and because this was all non-normative to start with, we don't need to go through another Candidate Recommendation phase to make this change.

Any objections to executing on that plan in a week or two?

iherman commented 3 years ago

Since we marked publicKeyBase58 as "at risk", and because this was all non-normative to start with, we don't need to go through another Candidate Recommendation phase to make this change.

Although the conclusion is the same, the premise is not really: I believe that publicKeyBase58 is normative but, indeed, it is "at risk" (and that is what count). The change also means that 'publicKeyMultibase` becomes normative instead.

(Oh, and just to be picky: we do not need another Candidate Recommendation Snapshot in the process newspeak.)

One more point to add:

  1. The JSON schema, SHACL, etc, files must be updated: at present, there are statements whereby publicKeyJwk and publicKeyBase58 cannot appear at the same time, I guess the latter must be changed to publicKeyMultibase. The vocabulary files (in all formats) should also be updated.
msporny commented 3 years ago

@iherman wrote:

I believe that publicKeyBase58 is normative but, indeed, it is "at risk" (and that is what count).

From the spec 5.2.1 Verification Material:

publicKeyBase58 - The publicKeyBase58 property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be a string representation of a [BASE58] encoded public key.

We can't define publicKeyBase58 or publicKeyMultibase because they don't have final RFCs (I am the author of both I-Ds at IETF). We were going to say nothing about them at all in the specification, but certain individuals insisted that we speak normatively about JWKs, so here we are... speaking about the feature in a non-normative fashion. We placed the at risk to remove any doubt on a rewriting of the language causing another CR... at worst, the statement was unnecessary, at best, it prevents us from going through another CR in case someone argues that some aspect of publicKeyBase58 is normative.

carsonfarmer commented 3 years ago

Very exciting @msporny, FWIW your plan of action above looks great to me!

iherman commented 3 years ago

publicKeyBase58 - The publicKeyBase58 property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be a string representation of a [BASE58] encoded public key.

You are right, I missed that. Which also means that, technically, it is a mistake to list this property in, e.g.: https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/blob/main/vocabs/v1/vocab.ttl, which is supposed to define the normative vocabulary, and the normative vocabulary only...

Which is one more reason, if there was a need for one, to review the vocabulary files if and when we go for plublicKeyMultibase and, at that point, we may have to remove it from the vocabulary :-(

iherman commented 3 years ago

The issue was discussed in a meeting on 2021-05-04

View the transcript #### 7.3. Support of `publicKeyMultibase` _See github issue [#707](https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/707)._ **Brent Zundel:** I know that some changes have come in as a result of this. What more needs to happen? > *Manu Sporny:* See [comment on the things to do](https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/707#issuecomment-826382717) **Manu Sporny:** I proposed for the `publicKeyMultibase` stuff a path forward in this link … It looks like folks want to use `publicKeyMultibase` instead of `publicKeyBase58`. We do have an at-risk marker that this may be done. … One thing could do: update examples. Already have in did-spec-registries, but could add note. … Add to registries, update material in spec. … Not normative. … Concerns raised about `publicKeyBase58` applies to `publicKeyMultibase` as well. > *Justin Richer:* is it not normative if it's in the registry as a value with a link to a spec? **Manu Sporny:** I believe we can make these changes; haven't seen any objections. I will put in a PR shortly. > *Justin Richer:* (actual question on W3C normativity) > *Manu Sporny:* justin_r, no, nothing in the registry is normative -- it's just "a helpful document for people that care to know about the ecosystem". **Ivan Herman:** The vocabularies, the constraint languages, also have to updated. There are some constraints expressed using b58, not have to exchange that. JSON Schema, etc. … I'm happy to do that when we have the document done; just listing here to be done. > *Manu Sporny:* justin_r, it's the specs themselves that make things normative or not.
peacekeeper commented 3 years ago


I'm not seeing any arguments against it

I don't have a strong opinion on this topic, but I do want to point out that there were some arguments against publicKeyMultibase e.g. in https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/707#issuecomment-811073119.

And I have to say I haven't really heard a good explanation why people want publicKeyMultibase either:

So what is the argument for publicKeyMultibase? It is that we can support multiple encodings in a property value without having to introduce new properties.

But then instead of (or in addition to) relying on our own DID Spec Registries for new properties, we would now be relying on an external registry that 1. can change at any time, and 2. is not equally supported by all implementations, as explained in https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/707#issuecomment-811073119.

I'm also surprised to hear the following by @msporny:

Just because we're supporting publicKeyMultibase doesn't mean we want to support ALL base-encodings (that would be a bit insane)

So we would somehow have a separate (cryptosuite-specific?) registry that will tell us which base encodings of the external multibase registry we support? This feels like a lot of dependencies.

But I do buy the argument that re-using the external multibase registry has some advantages over defining potentially lots of new DID document properties for every encoding, and that therefore publicKeyMultibase is indeed useful.

Did I get all of this right? I just think this should be explained well, considering that we had multiple special topic calls on key formats, and the vast majority of DID methods and DID documents today use the simpler publicKeyBase58.

OR13 commented 3 years ago

But I do buy the argument that re-using the external multibase registry has some advantages over defining potentially lots of new DID document properties for every encoding, and that therefore publicKeyMultibase is indeed useful.

This IMO is the primary value of publicKeyMultibase over publicKeyBase58.

The same is true for publicKeyJwk, we don't need to maintain a registry for it, IANA already does: https://www.iana.org/assignments/jose/jose.xhtml#web-key-elliptic-curve

Sure, you can make up your own values and never register them, but most folks who you interoperate with will eventually complain / help you register things properly... and when you do, it won't be just for "DIDs".... thats a big win for the whole community IMO.

msporny commented 3 years ago

PRs https://github.com/w3c-ccg/security-vocab/pull/103, https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/299, and #731 have been raised to address this issue based on the plan put forth in https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/707#issuecomment-826382717 and given that there were no strong objections to that plan. This issue will be closed once each of the aforementioned PRs have been merged.

msporny commented 3 years ago

PRs https://github.com/w3c-ccg/security-vocab/pull/103, https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/299, and #731 have been merged. This addresses the current issue.

@carsonfarmer please confirm that these changes address the concerns you raised in this issue. You have 7 days to respond until we mark the issue as resolved.

carsonfarmer commented 3 years ago

I have taken a look at all linked PRs/discussions, and honestly I couldn't be happier! This is great, and I really think it is going to bump up interoperability across the ecosystem in a really positive way. Thanks to the core maintainers and developers for a swift, balanced discussion and implementation.

This was one of the most effective open source discussions I've seen in a while... kudos to the community 💪 .

carsonfarmer commented 3 years ago

What is the protocol here? Shall I close this issue myself, or should I leave that up to maintainers? Happy to close, as I consider this issue "resolved".

msporny commented 3 years ago

Happy to close, as I consider this issue "resolved".

That's all we needed, thanks @carsonfarmer. Closing with explicit confirmation from issue submitter that their concern has been addressed.