w3c / did-core

W3C Decentralized Identifier Specification v1.0
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Update Verification Method Rotation section. #741

Closed msporny closed 3 years ago

msporny commented 3 years ago

Partial editorial cleanup to appendices tracked as issue #728.

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TallTed commented 3 years ago

I am suddenly very confused.

I have understood Verification Method to be, roughly, "what is done with the crypto material", as opposed to "the crypto material" itself.

Rotating crypto material makes sense, for all the reasons discussed in this section. But rotating "what you do with the crypto material" doesn't make the same kind of sense --- or at least, needs different justifications.

Can anyone help me figure out how and where I have lost the plot?

msporny commented 3 years ago

I am suddenly very confused.

I have understood Verification Method to be, roughly, "what is done with the crypto material", as opposed to "the crypto material" itself. Can anyone help me figure out how and where I have lost the plot?

We just so happen to have a handy definition of the term here:


... and your summary isn't aligned with it. :)

Hope that helps.

TallTed commented 3 years ago

Yes, @msporny, thank you. I was blurring DID methods with (at least) verification methods, the latter of which could apparently be described as "the crypto materials and what is done with them".

msporny commented 3 years ago

@dhh1128 -- there are action items for you in this PR. If we don't hear from you in 48 hours (which will be 7 days from the time we requested feedback from you), we're going to merge this editorial PR. We made the concrete changes you requested in this PR, and we can always put any other changes you want in a future PR.

iherman commented 3 years ago

The issue was discussed in a meeting on 2021-06-08

View the transcript #### 5.6. Update Verification Method Rotation section _See github pull request [#741](https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/741)._ **Manu Sporny:** might need more people to look … not sure if that would help … biggest issue is that it as editorial update and when it was made people are now re discussing the entirety of the text … daniel hardman has concerns … orie needs to respond … it's their text … but now there's disagreement over the text that they had initially put in there by daniel … the default is the PR won't go in and the thing will be editorially messy … I don't know if anyone can chat with daniel hardman and say we need him to propose concrete text and we need orie to talk with him to get there … I don't have any strong preference one way or the other … largely editorial stuff … misunderstanding around text … need orie and daniel to talk … that's what will resolve it, floating for 23 days … neither of them are here … can anyone take an action to talk with daniel and/or orie to get them to resolve? **Brent Zundel:** i can reach out to daniel … we have completed the agenda in record time
TallTed commented 3 years ago

I think I figured out where my earlier confusion really came from:

Rotation...enables the secret cryptographic material associated with an existing verification method to be deactivated or destroyed once a new verification method has been added to the DIDdocument.

I have't quite figured out how to reword this to eliminate the confusion.

Something about the new verification method being comprised of (not merely "associated with") both new secret cryptographic material and new "what is to be done with it", upon addition of which to the DID document, both the old secret cryptographic material and the old "what is to be done with it", which together comprise the old verification method, may (should? must?) be deleted....

dhh1128 commented 3 years ago

I don't love this text, but I am publicly clarifying that I don't object to merging it.

msporny commented 3 years ago

Editorial, multiple reviews, some changes requested and made, others not concrete enough to apply, no objections, merging.