w3c / did-core

W3C Decentralized Identifier Specification v1.0
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Remove alsoKnownAs due to insufficient implementation experience. #776

Closed msporny closed 2 years ago

msporny commented 2 years ago

This PR removes the alsoKnownAs feature as there were zero implementers out of 41 that implemented this feature. This PR presumes the WG will approve the following proposal: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jul/0005.html

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talltree commented 2 years ago

Two test reports for implementations of alsoKnownAs have now been submitted:

msporny commented 2 years ago

Two test reports for implementations of alsoKnownAs have now been submitted

Those tests reports have now been merged into the did-test suite, have been verified to come from two independent implementers, and the alsoKnownAs feature has met the minimum bar to remain in the DID Core specification.

Closing this PR (that removes alsoKnownAs) without merging based on the above rationale.