w3c / did-core

W3C Decentralized Identifier Specification v1.0
395 stars 93 forks source link

What is revocation? #835

Open Muthurajj opened 1 year ago

Muthurajj commented 1 year ago

What is the purpose of revocation in Verifiable credentials?

How it's created?

peacekeeper commented 1 year ago

Hello @Muthurajj , I'm sorry, but you are once again creating an issue that is very broad, not clear, and completely unrelated to this repository.

When creating issues on Github, you should take some time to explain the issue clearly, and the issue should address some topic about the work in the repository itself. This repository here is about the DID Core specification. If your issue is not about a problem or an improvement of this specification, then this is not the right place for your issue.

If you have broad questions (e.g. about revocation of Verifiable Credentials), then perhaps the following communities can help you: