w3c / did-resolution

RELEASED DRAFT: Decentralized Identifier Resolution (DID Resolution) 0.2 Specification
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The did is not a url for the did, but for a resolution structure which as yet has no name #23

Open TomCJones opened 5 years ago

TomCJones commented 5 years ago

This not only makes the definition of did incorrect, but it points to a need for a name for the structure returned by a did resolution. Would also like to understand how redirects fit into this structure.

jandrieu commented 5 years ago

Shoot. This response was written in the context of the DID-Spec, not DID-Resolution. However, I think it still applies, as it involves how we talk about DID, DID Documents, resolution and dereferencing a DID.

The definition definitely needs work. @burnburn and I had some good progress on this topic while working on the DID Explainer today.

To attempt to summarize:

A DID is a URI as per RFC3986 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986.

A URI can be further classified as a locator, a name, or both. The term "Uniform Resource Locator" (URL) refers to the subset of URIs that, in addition to identifying a resource, provide a means of locating the resource by describing its primary access mechanism (e.g., its network "location"). ...

An individual scheme does not have to be classified as being just one of "name" or "locator". Instances of URIs from any given scheme may have the characteristics of names or locators or both, often depending on the persistence and care in the assignment of identifiers by the naming authority, rather than on any quality of the scheme. Future specifications and related documentation should use the general term "URI" rather than the more restrictive terms "URL" and "URN" [RFC3305].

I believe it is a fair representation of our discussion to say language like the following should be in the opening section:

Resolving a DID results in a DID Document, either dynamically generated or retrieved, depending on the method. The DID Document contains the information necessary to dereference the DID to a specific resource.

Going further, we think the spec should clarify with something like the following language:

The default dereference of a DID, when no path is specified, MUST return the DID Document. If a path component exists in the DID and that path matches an entry in the services property of the DID Document, dereferencing the DID shall proceed by resolving and dereferencing the matching service endpoint.

And lastly, a suggestion which makes sense to me, but I can't claim any consensus for:

If there is a path in the DID and the resolution yields a DID Document that lacks a matching service endpoint, dereferencing the DID should yield an error stating clearly that the path has no matching service endpoint.

What that error code is is a whole new kettle of fish. I don't think we've discussed error codes other than a NULL response for a DID that fails to resolve. I expect this won't be the first error code that deserves a more useful response from the resolver. The actual errors should be in the DID-Resolver spec, but the basics of how resolution fits into the relationship between DIDs and DID Documents and the dereferencing thereof, clearly needs to be spelled out in the DID spec.

In general, almost all of us, including me, have been exceedingly unrigorous in how we discuss DIDs "resolving to DID Documents". That is technically correct, but resolution is a process, which yields the information needed to dereference; when we say "resolving to a DID Document" many hear it as "returning the DID Document". However dereferencing is what actually returns some sort of resource. We need to improve our language to make this clear from the beginning.

Here's the relevant quote from RFC3986:

1.2.2. Separating Identification from Interaction

A common misunderstanding of URIs is that they are only used to refer to accessible resources. The URI itself only provides identification; access to the resource is neither guaranteed nor implied by the presence of a URI. Instead, any operation associated with a URI reference is defined by the protocol element, data format attribute, or natural language text in which it appears.

Given a URI, a system may attempt to perform a variety of operations on the resource, as might be characterized by words such as "access", "update", "replace", or "find attributes". Such operations are defined by the protocols that make use of URIs, not by this specification. However, we do use a few general terms for describing common operations on URIs. URI "resolution" is the process of determining an access mechanism and the appropriate parameters necessary to dereference a URI; this resolution may require several iterations. To use that access mechanism to perform an action on the URI's resource is to "dereference" the URI.

When URIs are used within information retrieval systems to identify sources of information, the most common form of URI dereference is "retrieval": making use of a URI in order to retrieve a representation of its associated resource. A "representation" is a sequence of octets, along with representation metadata describing those octets, that constitutes a record of the state of the resource at the time when the representation is generated.

TomCJones commented 5 years ago

how about The default dereference of a DID, when no path is specified, MUST return a claim with the DID Document. If a path component exists in the DID and that path matches an entry in the services property of the DID Document, dereferencing the DID shall proceed by resolving and dereferencing the matching service endpoint.

this is to cover the metadata that comes with the did doc

jandrieu commented 5 years ago

Interesting. Yes. That's more appropriate.

Also, a quick read of the DID-Resolution draft states that when a path is specified, instead of resolving and dereferencing the service endpoint, the resolver simply returns the endpoint. That's probably the better default option to remove the load of subsequent dereferencing from the DID resolver. This should probably be selectable, perhaps as intended with the followRedirect parameter, although the current language suggests that only DID service endpoints are redirects. It wouldn't be crazy to support having the resolver optionally resolve and dereference the service endpoints directly, if it knows how to.

However, section 4.1 defining DID Document probably shouldn't use the phrase "retrieved"

mwherman2000 commented 5 years ago

It all depends on what layer of the architecture and to what level of detail you want to discuss this at.

From a developer perspective, a DID Resolver doesn't return a DID Document to the caller; it returns a DID Resolver Response (which, in turn, wraps the returned DID Document). It isn't correct to say that DID Resolution returns a DID Document (unless you having a casual discussion over a coffee or as part of a PowerPoint presentation - but that's not what specifications are about).

Here's a link to the section of the draft INDY ARM that describes the DID Resolution process (also verified by @peacekeeper): https://github.com/mwherman2000/indy-arm#3-did-resolution-viewpoint

The "thing" that is returned by the DID Resolver (41) is element (42): a DID Resolver Response. A DID Resolver Response is subsequently used to realize a DID Document (16).

jandrieu commented 5 years ago

I think we are in violent agreement. The DID Document is not what is returned by a resolver. Hence we should not define that as such in 4.1

mwherman2000 commented 5 years ago

I think we are in violent agreement. The DID Document is not what is returned by a resolver. Hence we should not define that as such in 4.1

True but the DID Resolver Response does have to be defined as a "new section 4.1" ...shifting the current 3 elements either down one or indented one level to the right in the DID Resolution spec.

peacekeeper commented 4 weeks ago

Coming back to this after a while, I wonder how much of it is still relevant. I believe some of what has been discussed in this issue is covered by now in the DID Resolution spec, e.g.

The default dereference of a DID, when no path is specified, MUST return the DID Document.

I think this is covered by section DID URL Dereferencing.

a DID Resolver doesn't return a DID Document to the caller; it returns a DID Resolver Response (which, in turn, wraps the returned DID Document)

I think this is covered by section DID Resolution Result.

instead of resolving and dereferencing the service endpoint, the resolver simply returns the endpoint

I think this is covered by section DID URL Dereferencing.

Maybe @TomCJones or @jandrieu could provide their opinion what should be done with this issue.