w3c / did-resolution

RELEASED DRAFT: Decentralized Identifier Resolution (DID Resolution) 0.2 Specification
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Discover DIDs from other identifiers #8

Open peacekeeper opened 5 years ago

peacekeeper commented 5 years ago

DIDs can potentially be discovered from other identifiers such as HTTP URIs, domain names, or email addresses, using e.g.:

We should discuss if and how these protocols should be specified, and what implications (if any) this has for the DID Resolution spec.

Also consider "backreferences" from a DID to those other identifiers that point to a DID.

dmitrizagidulin commented 5 years ago

Perhaps we can also offer a /.well-known/ based approach? Like the Apple AASA files

TomCJones commented 5 years ago

i would support a .well-known path - most new implementations of this require https://

peacekeeper commented 4 years ago

See related work at DIF: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/well-known and https://github.com/decentralized-identity/interop-project/issues/7