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Disregarding status: language negotiation needed? #61

Open r12a opened 6 years ago

r12a commented 6 years ago

7.2.9 Disregarding (D) https://w3c.github.io/dnt/drafts/CRc-tracking-dnt.html#TSV-D

A tracking status value of D means that the origin server is unable or unwilling to respect a tracking preference received from the requesting user agent. An origin server that sends the D tracking status value MUST detail within the server's corresponding privacy policy the conditions under which a tracking preference might be disregarded.

Does MUST detail ... the conditions mean the use of natural language text? It's unclear how this is conveyed and how language negotiation might be done for this information.

r12a commented 6 years ago

NOTE: Some responses have already been made to this comment. See https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/510. Please continue the discussion here.

To make it easier to follow this thread, i include the aforementioned response from Roy Fielding here:

It is a Web resource. How servers decide what content to deliver to which users is far outside the scope of TPE.