w3c / dpv

Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG)
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Fix typos and incorrect annotations in existing concepts #101

Closed coolharsh55 closed 1 month ago

coolharsh55 commented 10 months ago

Thanks to Adrian @aamedina for the following contributions:

  1. Parent of risk:RiskManagementMethodology corrected to risk:RiskManagementProcess
  2. Parent of risk:RiskAssessmentTechnique corrected to risk:RiskManagementProcess
  3. Parent of dpv-gdpr:A6-1-a-non-explicit-consent corrected to dpv-gdpr:A6-1-a
  4. Parent of dpv-gdpr:A6-1-a-explicit-consent corrected to dpv-gdpr:A6-1-a
  5. Parent of dpv-gdpr:A49-1-f corrected to dpv:VitalInterestOfNaturalPerson
  6. Fixed IRI and label of A15-FreedomToChooseOccupationEngageWork (Typo: Occupration->Occupation)
  7. as #95: dpv-gdpr:GDPRLawfulness typo

These should have been detected as missing concepts in the tool from #71 - which obviously isn't working.

This issue will be closed when the changes are merged.

coolharsh55 commented 9 months ago

commit fed71c0 detects these 'errors' correctly as follows:

8 errors found
dpv:RiskManagementProcedure :: Invalid term declared as parent using skos:broader
dpv-gdpr:GDPRLawulness :: Invalid term declared as parent using skos:broader
dpv:VitalInterestOfNatualPerson :: Invalid term declared as parent using skos:broader
dcat:Resource :: Terms must have a description
dpv-gdpr:A6-1a :: Invalid term declared as parent using skos:broader
dcat:Resource :: Terms must have a creation date and in xsd:date format
dpv-tech:LocalStorage :: Invalid term declared as parent using skos:broader
dcat:Resource :: Terms must have exactly 1 status indicating acceptance, proposed, etc.

Of these, the ones regarding external vocabularies are false-positives (and currently are ignored)