w3c / dpv

Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG)
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Add `dpv:Service` as a concept #124

Closed coolharsh55 closed 1 month ago

coolharsh55 commented 7 months ago

Definition: "an activity undertaken to provide something other than goods",

based on Oxford dictionary: (edits mine): "~a business whose work involves~ doing something ~for customers~ but not producing goods; ~the work that such a business does~"


  1. class dpv:Service would be a subtype of dpv:Process proposed in #121
  2. property dpv:hasService would be the subproperty of dpv:hasProcess. This will allow it to be associated with other concepts, e.g. dpv:hasPurpose dpv:Purpose or vice-versa.
  3. classes dpv:ServiceProvider and dpv:ServiceConsumer should be added as entity types. These are possible in configurations of B2B, B2C, etc. These roles are also distinct from DataController and DataSubject - so they will overlap across use-cases.
  4. their corresponding properties dpv:hasServiceProvider and dpv:hasServiceConsumer to indicate who is providing/consuming the service.


coolharsh55 commented 6 months ago

Discussed in meeting 22 NOV and meeting 29 NOV. General agreement on the concept and its usefulness, but questions on how it relates to other uses of System such as using AI System. To be discussed in next meeting(s).