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Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG)
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[Concept]: Sectors should be defined in DPV (main spec) #177

Open coolharsh55 opened 1 month ago

coolharsh55 commented 1 month ago



New Concept(s)

Currently, there are concepts for Sectors in EU AI-Act, e.g. Law Enforcement and "Critical Infrastructure". To avoid definining these again and again in different regulations without consistency or a way to connect them, the concept dpv:Sector should be expanded in to a taxonomy with concepts that are sufficient high-level and useful across a broad range of use-cases. These sectors are often present in the context of high-risk applications, and though some of these have a detailed taxonomy in authoritative vocabularies such as NACE, DPV should provide them with a close association with purposes.

Each sector concept should have a suffic ...Sector at the end to not have the user confuse these with other similar concepts e.g., law enforcement as a purpose. Suggested sectors based on common use:

To associate purposes with sector, we use the existing dpv:hasSector relationship e.g. the new concept dpv:ProvideHealthService will have dpv:hasSector dpv:HealthSector. In this manner, people operating in a specific sector can choose (or extend) the DPV accordingly by using the sector-specific purposes directly and by extending generic non-sector specific concepts (e.g. HR and IT management).

Changed Concept(s)

This changes the two existing concepts in EU AI-Act extension regarding sectors:

  1. eu-aiact:LawEnforcement will be either removed or redefined as a child of dpv:LawEnforcementSector and renamed as eu-aiact:LawEnforcementSector
  2. eu-aiact:CriticalInfrastructure will be renamed as eu-aiact:CriticalInfrastructureSector for consistency
coolharsh55 commented 1 month ago

With the above, future work on regulations such as NIS2 and AI Act which have specific purposes associated with sectors e.g. investigation in law enforcement, or responding to health emergency in health sector can be defined without overlap between purpose and sector e.g. LawEnforcement will be a Purpose and LawEnforcementSector will be a Sector.