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Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
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suggestion to add a property thumbnail to dataset #1357

Open pvgenuchten opened 3 years ago

pvgenuchten commented 3 years ago

Dataset Thumbnail / Graphic preview

Status: idea

Creator: Paul van Genuchten

Deliverable(s): DCAT3


Web developers, when developing apps on a dcat oriented backend Metadata experts, when mapping other metadata standards to DCAT

Problem statement

I haven't been able to find any references to discussions about a thumbnail property in the dcat scope. Web applications like to display a graphic representation of the asset as part of a textual search result.

Existing approaches

Having a thumbnail is quite common in the spatial domain, where it typically contains a print of a map of the data, e.g. iso19139:graphicOverview. It is also available in schema.org/Dataset as thumbnailUrl. Open Graph has it as a main element 'image'.

bertvannuffelen commented 2 years ago

Can't we see this as an sample (adms:sample) for a dataset/distribution? A picture/tumbnail is a visual representation that actually contains sample data. So by the inspecting the type of the sample (e.g. its is a url ending in .jpg) it can be shown als a tumbnail.

bertvannuffelen commented 2 years ago

Some more additional thoughts after investigating this proposal: it does not seem necessary that the distribution it is referring to should obey the same rules as a dataset distribution. For a thumbnail distribution:

In general the accessibility and usage requirements of samples is much lower than those of real dataset distributions (if I can call them so). I would expect that DCAT profiles therefore introduce different guidelines for samples.

I would add that in the usage note on sample. As it seems natural for profile builders to draw an arrow to dcat:distribution for a sample, but then one will bump into the case that the profile insists on a license for a (dataset) distribution while for a sample/thumbnail this is not required. Indeed a lot of the metadata requirements for dataset distributions are for samples specifiable, but never used. (I have to see the first portal that would dynamically check the license before rendering a thumbnail) For that reason I believe dedicated subclasses of Distribution could appear bound to a particular usage context:, for instance thumbnails.

bertvannuffelen commented 2 years ago

Adopted in the Flemish profile:

[in Dutch only]

davebrowning commented 1 year ago

Project/Milestone modified.

Explanation: As DCAT v3 moves through review and hopefully ratification, we want to make sure that open issues and feedback that have yet to be completely addressed are properly recorded and tagged/assigned in github to both clarify their status and to help review and prioritise as a source of improvements and new requirements in future DCAT versions