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Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
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Support description of legal authorities #1406

Closed simsong closed 2 years ago

simsong commented 2 years ago

Support description of legal authorities



Creator: (your name)

Deliverable(s): DCATv3




Governmental entities, be they data producers, data publishers or data consumers.

Problem statement

Within governments, it is frequently important to document the legal authority under which data are:

Currently, DCATv3 lacks a way to formally represent this. Needed are attributes for:

Also needed is an ontology to describe legal authorities. Within the United States such authorities can be a specific law, a regulation, an administrative procedure, a legal precedent, or a constitutional authority, an executive order, or some other legal instrument. Although the temptation is to make the authorities a free-formed text field, it may be better to attempt more specificity.

Existing approaches

Largely this is not formally tracked by most data producers or consumers, but is tracked with a variety of informal mechanisms.



Related use cases



dr-shorthair commented 2 years ago

Could this use the same qualifiedAttribution mechanism also mentioned here?

simsong commented 2 years ago

It could use qualifiedAttribution, but we would need to have multiple qualifiedAttributions per catalog entry, and we would need to have more vocabulary for distinguishing each kind of of the attribution, and we would need to have a way of distinguishing attributions to people and attributions to legal documents or concepts.

dr-shorthair commented 2 years ago

we would need to have multiple qualifiedAttributions per catalog entry

Sure. Why not?

we would need to have more vocabulary for distinguishing each kind of of the attribution

Of course. But they would likely be governed outside of DCAT - i.e. community level, not DCAT schema level.

Attributions are always to Agents or Parties.

riccardoAlbertoni commented 2 years ago

I think @dr-shorthair's suggestion combining qualified attribution and externally-governed vocabularies provides a solution to this issue.

I also concur that defining a vocabulary for legal authorities is at the moment out the scope of DCAT being rather community-specific.

@simsong: Is it ok if we close this issue?