w3c / dxwg

Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
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Aligning definitions of dcterms:hasPart and its subproperties #1465

Closed andrea-perego closed 2 years ago

andrea-perego commented 2 years ago

The current definitions are as follows:

Property Definition
dcterms:hasPart An item that is listed in the catalog.
dcat:dataset A collection of data that is listed in the catalog.
dcat:service A site or end-point that is listed in the catalog.
dcat:catalog A catalog that is listed in this catalog.

The proposal is to revise them as follows:

Property Definition
dcterms:hasPart A resource that is listed in the catalog.
dcat:dataset A dataset that is listed in the catalog.
dcat:service A service that is listed in the catalog. [definition proposed in #1431]
dcat:catalog A catalog that is listed in the catalog.

The rationale is that there is no need to describe the range of the property with an abridged definition of the relevant class, as we need just to point to it (as already done in the range of the property definition). Another issue is that this may lead to confusion - e.g., as highlighted in https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1431 for the definition of dcat:service.

About the definition of dcterms:hasPart, "item" should be replaced by "resource", as the range of this property in DCAT, when used to link a catalog to one of the listed resources, is dcat:Resource (or a subclass thereof). Moreover, the use of "item" led to a misunderstanding reported in https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1454 .

The proposal has been implemented via PR https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/1466