w3c / dxwg

Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
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Guidance on when multiple Distributions are considered to pertain to the same Dataset, and when they are different #1495

Open andrea-perego opened 2 years ago

andrea-perego commented 2 years ago

Comment submitted by Martin East in https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-comments/2022Feb/0000.html

We are uncertain as to whether the assignment of multiple distributions to a single data set means simply that the descriptors which are assigned to the Dataset are also true of the Distributions, or that the implication is that the Distributions are asserted to contain exactly the same semantic content in every respect. The latter might be difficult to maintain in practice as it sounds like the outcome of a data quality measurement, which could be true or not true over time.

davebrowning commented 1 year ago

Project/Milestone modified.

Explanation: As DCAT v3 moves through review and hopefully ratification, we want to make sure that open issues and feedback that have yet to be completely addressed are properly recorded and tagged/assigned in github to both clarify their status and to help review and prioritise as a source of improvements and new requirements in future DCAT versions