w3c / dxwg

Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
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specific subproperty dcat:datasetSeries #1598

Open bertvannuffelen opened 2 months ago

bertvannuffelen commented 2 months ago

The class Catalog has 3 specific properties to indicate the listed resources in the catalogue.

It has 2 generic properties

-dcat:record -dcat:resource

Intuitively, dcat:resource is the shorthand for dcat:record in a catalogue. The subproperties dcat:dataset, dcat:catalog and dcat:service of dcat:resource can intuitively be seen as the filter on dcat:resource with as range the corresponding DCAT class.

My question is why dcat:datasetseries is not created?


So it seems that we are missing here for some unknown reason dcat:datasetseries.

dr-shorthair commented 2 months ago

Probably no specific reason. Classes and properties were added as proposed, discussed and agreed. Some inhomogeneity to be expected.

riccardoAlbertoni commented 2 months ago

You may find issues #1307 and #1335 helpful in understanding the context that informed our decision-making process at that time. I recall that the group engaged a quite complex discussions regarding dcat:inSeries and its inverse, dcat:seriesMember. Overall, decisions were made to reconcile the diverse positions and concerns. In certain cases, the complexity of points of view necessitated compromises, as each option had its own pros and cons.

riccardoAlbertoni commented 2 months ago

You may find issues #1307 and #1335 helpful in understanding the context that informed our decision-making process at that time. I recall that the group engaged a quite complex discussions regarding dcat:inSeries and its inverse, dcat:seriesMember. Overall, decisions were made to reconcile the diverse positions and concerns. In certain cases, the complexity of points of view necessitated compromises, as each option had its own pros and cons.

That reply was intended for issue #1600. I switched the issues, sorry.