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Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
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Use Case: interoperability between metadata standards describing resources of various types #223

Closed stijngoedertier closed 3 years ago

stijngoedertier commented 6 years ago

Use case name

Status: draft / proposed


Creator: Mathias De Schrijver, Lieven Raes, Thomas D’Haenens, Stijn Goedertier

Deliverable(s): DCAT1.1


dcat meta service


data producer, data publisher, data consumer

Problem statement

At present, data providers in the public sector are using a wide variety of metadata standards to describe various resource types. For example:

Data publishers would like to continue to manage and describe resources of these types using the most appropriate metadata standards, while at the same time reaching the widest possible audience by converting metadata into a frequently used, cross-domain metadata vocabulary like DCAT for inclusion in DCAT-conform catalogs. The currently recommended version of DCAT defines dcat:Dataset as ‘A collection of data, published or curated by a single agent, and available for access or download in one or more formats'. If we want to support describing resource types that arguably do not meet this definition (e.g. services, documents, …), we may need to revise the DCAT class structure. One approach could be to provide a more general class than dcat:Dataset like 'Work' or ‘Expression’, taking for example inspiration from definitions in FRBR. In addition, it may be possible to define various sub-classes, like 'Document', 'Data Service', or perhaps even 'Software'.

Existing approaches



Related use cases

Scope or type of dataset with a DCAT description [ID8], Modelling resources different from datasets [ID20], Cross-vocabulary relationships [ID36]


This relates to #180, #181, #182 and in particular #56 .

dr-shorthair commented 6 years ago

Following last week's call, I tried to lay out some of the options here: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/wiki/Cataloguing-data-services#alternative-views This is not exhaustive.

jpullmann commented 6 years ago

Initially it seems the UC touches the general role of DCAT (and related profiles) as a possible shared standard used at interface level to establish interoperability among repositories while allowing for usage of legacy/internal standards within publisher's infrastructure. Definition of alternative resource types beyond "Dataset" is only one aspect among others. The topic would require a comparative analysis of the conceptual models and identify (in)compatibilities and possible mappings between the considered standards. UCs related to resource types exist already (you linked them), please consider clarifying/restating the UC, e.g. towards usage as a meta-standard at interface (not storage) level.

stijngoedertier commented 6 years ago

Thanks for looking into it, Jaroslav. Interoperability between metadata standards is a key selling point for DCAT and we were hoping to have it in the UCR document. The requirement that you derive from that to do a comparative analysis of conceptual models of metadata standards sounds perhaps strong; but some of that is actually done in the WG already. We will reword the UC to emphasize the interface-level interoperability; this is indeed the intended meaning. With regards to resource type, you are right, this is already covered in other UCs and addressed in Simon's proposals.

andrea-perego commented 3 years ago

I think this issue has been addressed by the definition of a new class dcat:Resource, that can be used as an extension point for resource types different from dcat:Dataset and dcat:DataService.

Seeing also that there has been no further discussion on this issue, I propose to close it.

riccardoAlbertoni commented 3 years ago

I think this issue has been addressed by the definition of a new class dcat:Resource, that can be used as an extension point for resource types different from dcat:Dataset and dcat:DataService.

Seeing also that there has been no further discussion on this issue, I propose to close it.

+1 to close it

andrea-perego commented 3 years ago
