w3c / dxwg

Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
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A profile should have human-readable documentation that expresses for humans the main components of a profile, which can also be available as machine-readable resources (ontology or schema files, SHACL files, etc). This includes listing of elements in the profile, instructions and recommendations on how to use them, constraints that determine what data is valid according to the profile, etc. [ID37] (5.37) #272

Open nicholascar opened 6 years ago

nicholascar commented 6 years ago

Entered from Google Doc.

From the documents accessible from references in this use case, it should be possible to infer more specific requirements in terms of profile documentation, but I lack time. It could be captured by other cases. It should maybe be addressed at a later stage of DXWG work.

aisaac commented 5 years ago

NB: this requirement was APPROVED with agreement that it may need to be re-worded or shortened

kcoyle commented 5 years ago

Yes, it was assumed that the UCR group would propose better wording. You should feel free to do so.

aisaac commented 5 years ago

I will probably have to pass for now...

nicholascar commented 5 years ago

In PROF terms a Profile, http://example.org/resource/profile-x, SHOULD have this:

<http://example.org/resource/profile-x> a prof:Profile ;
  prof:hasResource [  # a Resource Descriptor
    rdfs:label "Guidance document" ;
    dct:format "http://w3id.org/mediatype/application/pdf" ;
    prof:hasRole <http://www.w3.org/ns/prof/roles/Guidance> ;  # just using a possible namespace
    prof:hasArtifact <http://example.org/resource/docs/profile-x.pdf>  # the actual PDF Guidance doc
] ;
#... other Resource Descriptors for things such as SHACL files