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Profile guidance needs to include practical guidance #416

Open agreiner opened 5 years ago

agreiner commented 5 years ago

After reading through the current state of the profile guidance doc, it strikes me that it needs to offer more in the way of actual guidance on how to use profiles. I think it should answer questions like When is it appropriate to create a profile rather than a schema? What are pitfalls in making these things? What are best practices that we see from existing ones?

For example, one thing I would like to see in here is a strong warning against using profile negotiation as the only publication method.

rob-metalinkage commented 5 years ago

The actual guidance is going to be inserted issue by issue as we discuss and agree ways of meeting the identified requirements. work so far is setting up the scope and structure.

kcoyle commented 5 years ago

@agreiner @rob-metalinkage As this is a "guidance" document (which means something like "best practices") the document should address the questions brought up by Annette for each requirement - but there is also an overall: "why create a profile" that doesn't come out in the individual requirements but that should be addressed in the document. It seems to me that the very act of defining "what is a profile?" is going to bring up much of this. We did a wiki page on profiles which might give us a beginning.

kcoyle commented 5 years ago

Here are some best practices, from the Data on the Web Best Practices document, that we may be able to incorporate (without the "data" emphasis): Best Practice 1: Provide metadata Best Practice 2: Provide descriptive metadata Best Practice 3: Provide structural metadata Best Practice 4: Provide data license information Best Practice 5: Provide data provenance information Best Practice 7: Provide a version indicator Best Practice 8: Provide version history Best Practice 12: Use machine-readable standardized data formats Best Practice 13: Use locale-neutral data representations Best Practice 14: Provide data in multiple formats Best Practice 15: Reuse vocabularies, preferably standardized ones Best Practice 16: Choose the right formalization level Best Practice 27: Preserve identifiers Best Practice 29: Gather feedback from data consumers Best Practice 30: Make feedback available