w3c / dxwg

Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
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[I18N] Examples provide no language or direction metadata #958

Open aphillips opened 5 years ago

aphillips commented 5 years ago

Examples 1-5 (for example) https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/WD-vocab-dcat-2-20190528/#ex-catalog

Examples in the document do not include language or direction metadata, even though they contain natural language strings. Example 1 shows the way:

  a dcat:Catalog ;
  dct:title "Imaginary Catalog" ;
  rdfs:label "Imaginary Catalog" ;
  foaf:homepage <http://example.org/catalog> ;
  dct:publisher :transparency-office ;
  dct:language <http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/en>  ;
  dcat:dataset :dataset-001  , :dataset-002 , :dataset-003 ;

While this example does include a language value, other examples do not. There is also no mention of direction metadata, a gap in linked data that I18N is working on with multiple groups currently.

[This comment is part of the I18N horizontal review.]

davebrowning commented 5 years ago

Language tags added in #1007

davebrowning commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback - we've taken the comments on board and addressed the language tag point.

On direction metadata - in principle we're supportive of this but after WG/DCAT editor review and discussion, and given the limited time and specific skills, we'd look to consider provision of suitable examples in future versions or in an associated primer (assuming there is the will for that WG/CG to address).

This isssue will remain open and be moved to the 'Future Work' milestone.

aphillips commented 4 years ago

Thanks for adding language tags to the examples. For extra credit in future updates, try using some non-English exampled :-)

For direction metadata, proposals at the JSON-LD level are moving forward, but there remains no solution at the RDF level. Keeping this for "future-work" is a satisfactory solution for your CR transition. Thanks.

agbeltran commented 3 years ago

Hi @aphillips, could you let us know about the status of the JSON-LD and RDF representations of direction metadata?

riccardoAlbertoni commented 2 years ago

This issue was discussed in the last DCAT submeeting [1]. The document available at [2] states that the text direction problem must be solved on the RDF level and analyzes possible alternatives. Therefore, DCAT expects to inherit a solution for expressing text direction from RDF.

We keep this issue open and move it as future work, as we might want to integrate the DCAT examples when the solution is made available.

[1]https://www.w3.org/2022/05/03-dxwgdcat-minutes [2]https://w3c.github.io/rdf-dir-literal/