w3c / edit-context

EditContext API
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`Document.execCommand`, `Document.queryCommandValue`, `Document.queryCommandState`, `Document.queryCommandEnabled`, `Document.queryCommandSupported`, `Document.queryCommandIndeterm` behavior when an EditContext editing host has focus #71

Closed masayuki-nakano closed 9 months ago

masayuki-nakano commented 11 months ago

I think Document.execCommand should return false and does nothing. Document.queryCommandEnabled and Document.queryCommandSupported should return false. Document.queryCommandState should return false. Document.queryCommandValue should return empty string. And Document.queryCommandIndeterm should return false even though may be opposite from the name, but I think browsers returns false if the command is not available.

masayuki-nakano commented 11 months ago

I think that this should be defined in "1.2.3 Differences for an EditContext editing host". https://w3c.github.io/edit-context/#edit-context-differences

johanneswilm commented 11 months ago

It is possible that in five years time, contenteditable usage will have been replaced entirely by edit context and new developers will not know what execCommand even is. Then it would be the best if everything related to execCommand is in the execCommand spec and not everywhere else.

In order to not litter execCommand in every new spec, would it be possible to put this into the execCommand spec itself instead?

CC: @zcorpan

dandclark commented 11 months ago

I agree that completely disabling execCommand and the related functions for EditContext is probably best.

dandclark commented 11 months ago

I reached out to the Google Docs team, who are using EditContext in an Origin Trial, and they told me they still use execCommand to trigger copy/paste. They're looking into moving to the clipboard API, but until that happens removing execCommand support would be a blocker for them adopting EditContext. They're also worried that some browser extensions rely on insertText to inject content, and that this would break those extensions as well.

Since it seems like this might be a blocker to adopting EditContext, I wonder if it would make sense to support some small subset of commands like:

It seems like supporting those would be straightforward to implement for EditContext and could make it easier for developers to migrate to EditContext.

johanneswilm commented 11 months ago

Exchanging execCommand in these cases with their clipboard API equivalents is changing a one-liner. The main problem with the clipboard API and why execCommand is still used is that in Firefox Clipboard.write is still behind a flag and has been there for 5 years now [1]. What is the holdup there, @masayuki-nakano? Any chance the flag will be removed any time soon?

I think we can be even more restricted than that:

So essentially we would only need to support document.execCommand("copy") - which is an execcommand that works without an editing host.

So essentially, I would say we should make no provisions for supporting any execCommands on EditContext. Even if they somehow manage to get document.execCommand("paste") command enabled somehow in Google Docs, they should be able to just do as now and paste into a hidden contenteditable and then cleanup the result until Firefox removes flags.

[1] https://caniuse.com/?search=Clipboard.write

masayuki-nakano commented 10 months ago

The main problem with the clipboard API and why execCommand is still used is that in Firefox Clipboard.write is still behind a flag and has been there for 5 years now [1]. What is the holdup there, @masayuki-nakano? Any chance the flag will be removed any time soon?

I'm not work around there. @EdgarChen , do we have a schedule to ship it?

masayuki-nakano commented 10 months ago

The execComnand usage is indeed interesting. WebExtentions do not have API to emulate user input. So, it might be better that EditContext has some API for them. Then, it could be useful for testing the web apps.

dandclark commented 10 months ago

I think Document.execCommand should return false and does nothing. Document.queryCommandEnabled and Document.queryCommandSupported should return false. Document.queryCommandState should return false. Document.queryCommandValue should return empty string. And Document.queryCommandIndeterm should return false even though may be opposite from the name, but I think browsers returns false if the command is not available.

I think we could say that the exception to this should be for command types that aren't dependent on where user selection is in the document. For example since execCommand("copy") (note:my original comment said execCommand("cut") here but it should be execCommand("copy")) works anywhere in the document, including in non-editable text, it would be strange to restrict it only in EditContext.

For queryCommandSupported, at least in Chrome this works at the level of the page and is never dependent on user selection. So I don't think it makes sense to disable it when focus is in an EditContext, since there is currently no difference if it's called in an editable region vs non-editable region.

On the other hand, queryCommandEnabled is dependent the selection position for some command types so we can disable it for EditContext for those command types.

dandclark commented 10 months ago

One other caveat I noticed here is that at least in Chromium, execCommand("cut") and execCommand("paste") return true even if they don't do anything because selection is not in an editable region. So I think for consistency it should be the same for EditContext for these two: both return true but don't do anything if selection is in EditContext, just like if selection was on non-editable text.

dandclark commented 10 months ago

Notes from 2023-11-09 call:

[17:55] johanneswilm: what connection should there be between execCommand and EC? [17:55] q+ [17:56] dandclark: agree with johanneswilm, copy needed. agree with masayuki, we don't generally want to support this [17:57] q+ [17:57] dandclark: simplest solution: commands that are available when focused in non-EC should be available in EC [17:58] edgar: we are working on shipping clipboard API (?) [17:58] johanneswilm: resolve on dandclark's comment above