w3c / encrypted-media

Encrypted Media Extensions
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Bug 27053 - Platform Segmentation #193

Open paulbrucecotton opened 8 years ago

paulbrucecotton commented 8 years ago

Moving from Bugzilla (https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27053):

No existing web API relies upon those using it or implementing it to negotiate business deals. To meet the normal bar for a web platform API:

paulbrucecotton commented 8 years ago

Since this request falls out of the scope the current HTML Media Extensions WG charter, we will mark this issue with Milestone VNext.

/paulc HTML Media Extensions WG Chair

Orthus commented 4 years ago

So EME is not able to be used operationally in a completely FOSS environment? and making it actually interoperable and fully platform agnostic is outside the scope? So when did the W3C be taken over by MAFIAA lackeys?

tidoust commented 4 years ago

@Orthus The discussion in the original issue tracker provides some rationale. Ensuring that the API itself is interoperable is certainly in scope of the Media Working Group. Specifying an API at the CDM level remains out of scope for the time being.

Also, please note the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct that covers communication in this repository.