w3c / encrypted-media

Encrypted Media Extensions
180 stars 80 forks source link

Clarify the summary in the identifier requirements section #325

Closed ddorwin closed 8 years ago

ddorwin commented 8 years ago

The markup was incorrect, and "They" was ambiguous. The new text is consistent with the referenced subsection.

ddorwin commented 8 years ago

The markup was incorrect in the original text: https://github.com/w3c/encrypted-media/commit/765295425f6fa259c76eea1169d24413268fce51#diff-f72607e47a6f74e53dc90eab8ee094e2R3173. The unbalanced <p> element from that commit was later "fixed": https://github.com/w3c/encrypted-media/commit/bf4650e0f5d4ed849104ceb1da6e2e2ee9767b19#diff-f72607e47a6f74e53dc90eab8ee094e2R3139

mwatson2 commented 8 years ago