w3c / encrypted-media

Encrypted Media Extensions
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Spec should mention that EME is not expected to work outside of MSE #335

Closed cpearce closed 7 years ago

cpearce commented 7 years ago

Currently the only browser that supports EME in non-MSE video is Chrome for WebM only. It doesn't seem like there's demand for EME in non-MSE video, so I propose that the spec mentions somewhere that EME is not expected to work outside of MSE video.

ddorwin commented 7 years ago

EME is designed to be independent of the source, and it's possible some third source type could emerge in the future, so I don't think the spec should make any normative statements. However, I think it could be helpful to authors and implementers to have an informative non-normative statement.

ddorwin commented 7 years ago

There was already a note to this effect in the HTMLMediaElement extensions section. PR #344 makes this more prominent.