w3c / encrypted-media

Encrypted Media Extensions
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Fix #336: Allow implementations to finish rendering frames before firing waitingforkey #346

Closed ddorwin closed 7 years ago

mwatson2 commented 7 years ago


jdsmith3000 commented 7 years ago

Isn't the continue here reached when the "If decryption fails" steps are run, and the algorithm steps are aborted? If so, could the notes you've added be inserted there?

ddorwin commented 7 years ago

@jdsmith3000, in addition to that condition in step, it can also be reached if the conditions in steps 2 and 2.4 are not true.

ddorwin commented 7 years ago

PR #349 is an alternate fix for #336. (Many of the changes are copied from this PR.)

ddorwin commented 7 years ago

This was replaced by #349.