w3c / encrypted-media

Encrypted Media Extensions
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ReSpec has 17 warnings and is omitting some text #416

Closed ddorwin closed 7 years ago

ddorwin commented 7 years ago

16 of the warnings are of the form: No <dfn> for Navigator. Please define it and link to spec that declares it. See https://github.com/w3c/respec/wiki/data--cite

The other is: [WebIDL] is referenced in 3 ways: ('WebIDL', 'WEBIDL', 'WEBIDL-LS'). This causes duplicate entries in the reference section.

Potentially related, some object members are omitted from the generated document.

For example, in https://w3c.github.io/encrypted-media/encrypted-media-respec.html#example-source-and-key-known if (!video.) should be if (!video.mediaKeys) {

plehegar commented 7 years ago

I'm proposing a workaround in #430. I believe some of the issues would be better by switching to the new WebIDL handling but that doesn't seem appropriate for V1. For future versions, we should start by switching to the new WebIDL handling.